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KATACARA, KALIMANTAN SELATAN- Banjir yang merendam Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan sejak sepekan lalu hingga hari ini (Senin, 18/01/2021) belum surut. Puluhan ribu warga terpaksa meninggalkan rumah demi keselamatan dan kesehatan mereka.
Data terakhir yang dihimpun oleh BNPB (Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana) pada Minggu (17/01/2021). BNPB melaporkan sebanyak 15 jiwa dari berbagai lokasi meninggal dunia akibat banjir tersebut. Banjir di Kalimantan Selatan juga masih merendam 24.379 rumah warga dan sebanyak 39.549 jiwa terpaksa mengungsi. Kondisi saat ini dibutuhkan yakni logistik, family kit, perlengkapan bayi dan kesehatan. “Rencana selanjutnya kami menyiapkan layanan medis sebagai fasilitas kesehatan pasca banjir yang menggenangi sejumlah wilayah di Kalimantan Selatan,”ujar Meizar Helmi selaku Penanggung Jawab Tim SAR DMC DD (Disaster Management Center Dompet Dhuafa).
Hingga siang ini (Senin, 18/01/2021) tim SAR DMC DD masih terus mensisir korban banjir di beberapa titik di wilayah Kalimantan Selatan. “Kondisi cerah pada hari ini diharapkan banjir cepat surut dan memudahkan evakuasi sejumlah warga terutama kaum rentan seperti anak-anak, Ibu hamil maupun Lansia, namun sejumlah titik pengungsian masih cukup banyak dikarenakan banyak akses jalan yang terputus sehingga menyebabkan masyarakat kesulitan dalam mengakomodir bantuan logistik berupa bahan makanan dan layanan kesehatan,” ujar tambah Meizar Helmi.
Di lokasi yang berbeda, tim SAR DMC DD menyiapkan pos hangat dan menyediakan makanan pendamping ASI bagi balita untuk mencukupi gizi seimbang. Pos hangat Dompet Dhuafa berada di Stadion Demang Lemang, Kelurahan Indra Sari, Kecamatan Martapura, Kabupaten Banjar, sementara untuk Pos Dompet Dhuafa berlokasi di Jl. Bina Guna, Kelurahan Gunung Manggis, Kecamatan Landasan Ulin, Kota Banjarbaru, Kalimantan Selatan.
“Kami terus berkoordinasi dengan dengan jaringan dan relawan di Lokasi Kejadian dan melakukan rapid asessment dan kaji dampak banjir di Kalimantan Selatan selain itu kami terus melakukan patroli siaga evakuasi warga yang terdampak,”ujar Meizar.
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Those in the Northwest Territories can buy their cannabis from one of six privately owned stores. Online sales are managed through Releaf NT; however, in-person deliveries are still not allowed in the territory. The owner of Releaf NT says there have been discussions about allowing this in the future in the Yellowknife area where they are located. In neighboring Quebec, a dozen outlets are to open, while in British Columbia, there will be just a single provincial store, although it is expected that cannabis will still be available in privately owned stores where sales have long been tolerated. Mark on moving to Canada and channeling his inner Bob Dylan Use varies a lot by age, with people between 25-34 being the most likely to use cannabis, followed by those ages 15-24 (the legal age to use cannabis varies in Canada from 18-21). Older people are the least likely to have used cannabis, – but use has accelerated much faster for them than for other age groups, and seniors are the most likely to buy only legal weed, according to Statistics Canada.
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Vivian Azer, a financial analysts who follows cannabis companies for Cowen and Company in New York, sees a bright future for Canada’s nascent marijuana industry. First, to all the haters: there’s next to no chance marijuana is just going to be sold in dépanneurs and corrupt the youth. Speaking the truth like a boss, Adam Greenblatt, co-founder of Quebec’s first medical marijuana clinic Santé Cannabis, told CBC that selling marijuana in deps would “cheapen what cannabis is.” If marijuana were legalized in Canada, it would be a first among wealthy nations. In the US, four states and Washington, DC, have legalized pot, but it’s still illegal at the federal level. The only other country to fully legalize marijuana is the tiny developing country of Uruguay. And although some countries — the Netherlands and Spain, in particular — have relaxed enforcement of their marijuana laws, none in the developed world have outright legalized it.
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