Psychological First Aid Dampingi Penyintas Gempa Sulbar

KATACARA, MAMUJU,- Gempa M=6,2 SR yang mengguncang wilayah Majene dan Mamuju, Sulawesi Barat, tanggal 15 Januari 2021 lalu, masih menyisakan dampak disana. Terhitung sejak tanggal 6 Februari 2021, status tanggap darurat gempabumi Sulbar telah berakhir dan menjadi transisi darurat menuju pemulihan.

Selain kerusakan bangunan dan korban jiwa, para penyintas sebanyak 92.075 orang pun masih mengungsi dan berupaya bangkit hingga kemarin (Rabu, 10/2/2021). Beberapa kali gempa kecil susulan masih terjadi, cukup membuat warga panik akan terulangnya peristiwa serupa.

Sejumlah Tim Disaster Management Centre (DMC) Dompet Dhuafa masih berada di Sulbar pada respon gempa tersebut sejak fase awal tanggap darurat. Disana, Dompet Dhuafa turut menggulirkan layanan psikososial berupa PFA (Psychological First Aid) atau bantuan psikologis tahap awal bagi para penyintas bencana yang mengalami peristiwa kritis. Aksi tersebut diberikan kepada seluruh kelompok rentan penyintas gempabumi Sulbar yang membutuhkan dukungan dari anak-anak hingga dewasa.

“Selain bantuan respon SAR, layanan medis, distribusi logistik, pemasangan tandon penampungan air bersih, instalasi MCK, dan dapur umum termasuk darling, kami juga menghadirkan layanan PFA. Sebab, salah satu dampak negatif dari bencana adalah stress. Jika tidak terantisipasi dengan baik dan dibiarkan berlarut-larut, akan mendatangkan ketidakstabilan emosi yang parah. Seperti depresi atau trauma setelah peristiwa kritis,” sebut Eka, Koordinator TIM SAR DMC pada respon gempa Sulawesi Barat.

Pada fase awal, aksi PFA Dompet Dhuafa fokus diberikan kepada anak-anak. Kegiatan seperti mewarnai, dongeng, hingga mendirikan Taman Ceria di pos pengungsian Dusun Pala’da, Desa Takandeang, Kecamatan Tappalang, Kabupaten Mamuju. Situasi terkini hampir satu bulan pasca gempa disana, sebagian besar wilayah sudah semakin kondusif, tetapi beberapi kali gempa kecil yang terjadi di malam hari masih cukup membuat panik penyintas.

“PFA berupaya mendampingi penyintas pada dukungan psikis dan spiritual. Setiap harinya Tim PFA mobile ke berbagai desa di wilayah Majene dan Mamuju untuk memberikan layanan ini, sembari assesment atas indikasi lanjutan pada penyintas. Beberapa anak mengaku mengalami mimpi buruk dan ketakutan akan adanya peristiwa serupa yang lebih besar lagi. Namun Alhamdulillah, kebanyakan kami tidak menemukan anak yang terindikasi trauma kelanjutan,” ungkap Ustaz Aris Alwi, Penanggung Jawab Lapangan Tim PFA Religi Dompet Dhuafa, Sabtu (13/2/2021).

Aksi PFA di beberapa titik pengungsian Sulbar, bergulir sambil mendistribusikan bantuan logistik darurat setelahnya. Diantaranya sembako, perlengkapan bayi, tenda, matras, selimut, kerudung hingga distribusi kitab suci Al-Quran.

“Salah satu yang saya paling ingat itu anak-anak di pengungsian Desa Sulai, Majene, ternyata senang sekali ketika tim respon DMC dan DD Volunteer Sulawesi Selatan mengadakan kegiatan PFA, bermain dan bernyanyi bersama. Sehingga anak-anak mendapat jeda dan mengurangi jenuh dan stress dalam kondisi ini,” aku Tri, salah satu Tim PFA DDV Sulsel.

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  39. Si pubblica la nota dell’USR MARCHE – ANCONA prot 1396 del 19 gennaio 2023 relativa al D.D.G. 36 del 18 gennaio 2023 relativo a: “graduatorie definitive di concessione dei permessi diritto allo studio irc anno 2023”. Risultati 25° turno Lo scorso sabato è stata recuperata la partita tra Cagliari Calcio Women e Olbia Calcio, conclusasi con la vittoria delle cagliaritane (3-1), valida per la 4° giornata del Campionato femminile di Eccellenza sardo. In attesa quindi del recupero dell’ultima partita di campionato prevista, quella tra Città di Selargius e Olbia Calcio (2° giornata), riportiamo di seguito la classifica aggiornata. Jesina – Calcio Atletico Ascoli (0-0): Gara senza reti e un punto a testa fra Jesi e Ascoli. Due delle favorite del girone si scambiano buone azioni senza però mai concretizzare: gli ospiti minacciano nel primo tempo con Minnozzi pericoloso ma impreciso. La Jesina reagisce solo al termine del primo tempo ma il tiro di Jacchetta termina sul fondo. A inizio ripresa è ancora Minnozzi ad aggredire senza però trovare il sorpasso. La Jesina riprende il controllo del pallino e trova delle buone occasioni da gol. L’assalto finale dei padroni di casa termina con un nulla di fatto e la posta in palio si divide equamente.
    Some fan-favourites also stand out, from Gianni Rivera to José Altafini, from Filippo Inzaghi to Marco van Basten, from Kaká to Pierino Prati. But in this top goalscoring list there is also a Number 9 from the 20s, Giuseppe Santagostino, called Pin, with his 106 goals as a player (he went on to be Assistant Coach at AC Milan in the 50s), as well as Aldo Boffi, chief goal-getter in the 30s and 40s, who won Serie A top goalscorer in 1938/39 as the first Rossoneri to do so, and then repeated the feat in 1939/40 and 1941/42. Dopo la sentenza che ha visto la penalizzazione della Juve, diversi tifosi hanno minacciato Chiné ma non è l’unico Dopo… Il Post è una testata registrata presso il Tribunale di Milano, 419 del 28 settembre 2009 – ISSN 2610-9980 Abbiamo dunque un exploit recente di Parolo, centrocampista col vizio del gol che nel 2017 fece la gioia di Inzaghi e dei fantallenatori che lo schierarono, così come troviamo un Nicola Pozzi che nel 2007/08 firmò contro il Cagliari ben 4 gol dei 7 segnati complessivamente in stagione. Più indietro nel tempo c’è Marcelo Otero, ricordo indigesto ai tifosi viola per un pomeriggio del ’96 in cui l’uruguaiano fermò la squadra reduce dal fresco successo in Supercoppa.

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  42. Compare exchanges to find one with the right mix of altcoins for you. Evidences of jumps and cojumps are abundant. Researchers have found evidences of jumps and cojumps in stock prices, currencies, interest rates and even in electricity prices. However, very few studies have examined the presence of jumps and cojumps in cryptocurrencies which will become a major class of asset in the near future. As of May 2020, the total market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies is 250 Billion U.S. dollars, approximately half of the GDP of Thailand and this number is growing fast. For the post-COVID-19 pandemic announcement period (covering both first and second waves of the coronavirus spread), the results are similar except with respect to the insignificant unconditional mean across the cryptocurrencies, the negatively signed slope coefficient of G-trends in the case of Ethereum and the insignificant beta weights in the cases of Ethereum, Litecoin and Ripple. Although G-trends are again shown to have positive and significant impact on the long-term volatility of cryptocurrency returns, it appears that the impact is greatly reduced as the COVID-19 pandemic enters the second wave. As such the impact, in comparison with the case of the first wave only period, is lower.
    At press time, Ethereum is trading at $3,957 and even showing slight growth against Bitcoin. Some industry experts note the rising Ethereum dominance over Bitcoin that has reached the highest values since the “ICO-era” in 2017, when the coin’s dominance on the market reached 31%. In June 2016, the Ethereum blockchain was hacked, and approximately $60 million worth of ETH was stolen. A hard fork was performed to regain control of the network, creating two versions of the blockchain: Ethereum and Ethereum Classic. Both ETH and ETC are based on the same project but differ from one another in many unique ways. The question is whether these advantages are outweighed by ethereum 2.0’s greener credentials and the fact that it can handle more transactions. Bitcoin is currently worth about double ether, but talk comes and goes about a “flippening” where ether overtakes it. Could it happen in 2022? With bitcoin’s hegemony at stake, it will be fascinating to find out.

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