Tips Berprestasi di Masa Pandemi

KATACARA, JAKARTA–Adaptasi kebiasaan baru dari kegiatan belajar tatap muka menjadi tatap maya yang telah berjalan selama setahun belakangan tak ayal menimbulkan dampak.

Direktur Jenderal WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreysus, menyatakan bahwa pandemi berdampak pada kondisi kesehatan mental jutaan orang termasuk mahasiswa. Riset yang dilakukan oleh Matthew dan sejumlah peneliti lain di Clemson University South of Carolina, mendapati temuan sejumlah mahasiswa menghadapi penurunan motivasi belajar, kecemasan, stres, hingga gejala depresi.

Tunggul Mirza, mahasiswa Program Studi Teknik Geologi Universitas Pertamina, berbagi langkah-langkah untuk mengatasi kejemuan daring. Berkat kegigihannya, lima prestasi di ajang kompetisi penelitian nasional dan internasional disabet selama pandemi.

Diantaranya juara pertama di kompetisi Himpunan Ahli Geofisika Indonesia, kompetisi Perencanaan Pengembangan Lapangan Migas Asia Pacific University, dan Kompetisi Paper Society of Petrophysicists Well Log Analysts (SPWLA) International, Amerika Serikat.

Apa resep berprestasi meski pandemi ala Tunggul? Yuk kita simak:

  1. Disiplin Terhadap Manajemen Waktu
    “Untuk bisa tetap bertanggung jawab dan berkomitmen, tuliskan daftar kegiatan atau tugas kuliah dilengkapi proyeksi waktu pengerjaannya. Sehingga kita bisa merencanakan dan menjalankan dengan baik sesuai tata waktu,” ujar Tunggul. Disamping itu, penting menurut Tunggul untuk berjaga-jaga terhadap hal di luar rencana. “Semisal, ketika mengumpulkan tugas, untuk memajukan batas pengumpulan satu sampai dua hari sebelum waktu sesungguhnya,” katanya.
  2. Kreatif Manfaatkan Peluang
    Pandemi bukan berarti jadi generasi rebahan. “Sebelum pandemi, kompetisi diadakan luring. Jadi kita harus memikirkan biaya akomodasi yang bikin pusing. Sekarang, kompetisi kebanyakan daring, jadi tinggal fokus sama persiapan,” jelas Tunggul. Selain itu, untuk meminimalisir biaya yang keluar dalam mengikuti lomba, ia memilih tema penelitian yang berkaitan dengan komputasi. “Jadi bisa dikerjakan di rumah tanpa harus pergi ke laboratorium atau lapangan,” sambungnya.
  3. Cari Kesempatan Mengasah Diri
    Di masa pandemi, beberapa lembaga menyediakan pelatihan dan sertifikasi gratis. “Kita mesti rajin cari informasi dan mengikuti akun-akun media sosial yang bermanfaat. Misalnya akun institusi pelatihan yang terafiliasi Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP),” kata Tunggul.
  4. Bergerak dan Mulai
    Tips yang tak kalah penting, menurut Tunggul adalah memulai. Ubah pola pikir dan kebiasaan untuk menunda pekerjaan. Sebagai mahasiswa, tak hanya dituntut memiliki pemahaman akan bidang keilmuan. Tetapi juga dituntut untuk memperbaiki tingkah laku dan cara berpikir.
  5. Memanfaatkan Beasiswa
    Terakhir, memanfaatkan beasiswa untuk kegiatan belajar dan berkompetisi sehingga meringankan biaya. “Di Universitas Pertamina, tersedia beasiswa unggulan semester yang memberi pembebasan SPP. Ada juga beasiswa pandemi buat yang ekonomi keluarganya terdampak pandemi, dan beasiswa sobat bumi bagi mahasiswa yang aktif melaksanakan kegiatan sosial kemasyarakatan,” jelas Tunggul. Total terdapat 15 jenis beasiswa dengan nilai total lebih dari 14 miliar rupiah yang disediakan Universitas Pertamina.

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    We don’t just review casinos – we review new games too! Monthly releases of new online casino games can quickly get overwhelming when trying to find the perfect game. Our reviews can help you find the perfect games to add some excitement to your gaming sessions. We provide information on new slots, real money slots, table games, betting limits, free bonuses, free play, and progressive jackpots. While with free slot machines you can hone your skills and perfect your strategy, there is one big drawback: you can’t win any money! Real money slot machines can sometimes offer life-changing sums of money to players, and even the smaller winnings can intensify the excitement. If you’re unsure whether you’d like to try real money slot machines or stick with playing free casino slot games, we’ve detailed the benefits of both in the table below:

  41. Just like handwritten notes, typing has a whole lot of good attributes. But it does lack the personal touch that handwritingis full of and can seem a little too formal (not personal enough) for certain letters. Thank you notes or congratulatory letters, for example, will come across much better if they’re written by hand! Finds your cheapest energy & monitors to let you know when to switch again. Unfortunately, photos are another area that some online companies exploit. These companies let you upload photos online, they print them and forward them to the inmate, meanwhile they are charging you ten times the amount it costs to just do it yourself. I find the best way to send photos to an inmate is to print them through Walgreens or a similar online service, often for under 10¢ per photo (always search for online coupons to save). You can upload the photos online and then go pick them up, put them in an envelope and mail them or just have them mailed directly to the inmate through the Walgreens website (mailing them directly has some drawbacks). Some important things to remember when sending photos:
    The body of the research paper is the main central part of your paper. In this section, you will cite the sources from where you get data. There must not be plagiarized content, so don’t copy any other work. While most people start with prewriting, the three stages of the writing process overlap. Writing is not the kind of process where you must finish step one before moving on to step two, and so on. Your job is to make your ideas as clear as possible for the reader, and that means you might have to go back and forth between the prewriting, writing, and revising stages several times before submitting the paper. We custom write research papers for college students This page appears in the following eBook Choosing a topic for a research paper can be quite daunting. It seems like every topic out there is a great choice for an informative and engaging research paper. However, you’ll find that some research topics make better choices than others. Take a look at the types of research topics to be avoided when writing your next research paper.

  42. The reviews don’t all have to be from your exes, either. I once saw a guy on Tinder say, “Fun in small doses — Mom,” which was cute and hilarious. You can also make up the reviews; no one is going to fact-check you on Tinder, especially if it’s obvious that you’re just being funny. If you’re not using good photos in your profile, then it doesn’t matter how good your bio is. Even the best Tinder bio in the world can’t make up for bad photos. If you want to get more matches on Tinder, then you need to be using your most attractive set of photos. “I’ve been in a couple of great long term relationships and am ready to find someone special to build a life with. Send me a message and let me know what your favorite type of food is. I know the best spots in town!”
    Dating websites can help break down all the barriers that might otherwise prevent that inevitable first date, making online dating websites the best way for seniors over 50 to meet their soulmates. Plenty Of Fish is better than Zoosk if you don’t want to pay for messaging. If you don’t mind paying, then Zoosk offers a more streamlined dating app experience. On July 1, 2019, Spark Networks closed on their previously announced acquisition of Zoosk, Inc., forming North America’s second-largest dating company in revenues. The deal increased Spark’s global monthly paying subscribers to over 1 million. JOIN the Rex email list below for regular cost updates, news, and dating or click here to provide your mailing address for occasional postal updates.

  43. Origins may not be a reinvention for the series, but it’s so sharp and interesting in just the right places that this might be the best Kingdom Rush to date. Staying with random, one big positive is random events that you see along the way. When your characters are in a kingdom walking a path that leads from camp A to camp B, sometimes in the middle of the path you will get a random occurrence. Sometimes it’s an event where you must roll a star dice to see if you dodged ice/boulders/blasts, and sometimes the event is a stranger wanting to join your party. Other times it can be someone you can trade with to buy items or upgrade current characters. This part of the game is fascinating and fun. It makes you want to travel around to all the points just to see how far the developers have taken these random occurrences (and the answer is – really far).
    Follow Download Free Games This free game is for the slightly older kids of 10+ it has amazing graphics to add to the fun of the gameplay. It is available on handheld iOS devices and also Android. Although there are no sexual scenes or scenes of violence there is the option to gamble with in game currency so parents may want to take this into consideration. With the same currency players can big and upgrade new cars to drive. There are a couple of big issues with the game, however. First, the contact model between vehicles feels dreadful and it is very frustrating to play with. More significantly though, Fuel Renegades is currently little more than an excellent proof of concept. The game has been listed on Steam as early access since 2018, and yet it doesn’t seem like it’s receiving any updates anymore. As a result, there is a major lack of content in the game. It’s a shame, because the core gameplay and setting are both really quite good. But we don’t complain, as it’s for free!

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  47. There’s a growing number of electric compact SUVs, including the Hyundai Kona Electric and Peugeot e-2008. The e-Niro has been around much longer, but it still offers a combination of long range and practicality that can’t really be beaten. A. The Kia e-Niro car tax starts from free per year for the models in stock. We’d certainly say so – alright, it’s not the most exciting car, but the original e-Niro was a brilliant first toe in the zero-emission waters and the Mk2 is as well. With the Hyundai Ioniq 5, Peugeot e-2008, Volkswagen ID.4, Skoda Enyaq iV and Renault Megane E-Tech Electric all occupying the ‘small-ish electric crossover’ section of the market, buyers are spoiled for choice. Kia has been among the top automotive brands in terms of quality for many years, as confirmed by studies from the American firm J.D. Power. They also ranked Kia at the top of their latest reliability rankings, based on three-year-old vehicles. In addition, the renowned Consumer Reports magazine considers the Niro to be a more reliable model than most, especiall 2019 model years and newer.
    In Europe there’s the option of a 39.2kWh Soul EV, but it won’t be sold in the UK as Kia says that the 64kWh electric motor has the most sales potential. It says that the choice of two power outputs and different maximum driving ranges could potentially confuse customers with multiple messages, and instead they wanted to concentrate on a single strong product. Personally we feel this is a little short-sighted with the potential for a cheaper model for those that don’t do high miles, and a little strange given Kia introduced a smaller battery for the e-Niro. The 2020 model of the Kia Soul is much more streamlined and modernized in comparison to the first and second generations. There are four models altogether, making it an ideal choice for those who are not sure whether they want gas or electric power.

  48. Even if you pick the best-paying slot machine, you can’t be sure of the result. Will you make a fortune, or will you lose everything? Even well-reputed casinos can’t give you any guarantees. But you can surely focus on the slots with the highest RTP, which have a better reputation in the gambling community. Now, people often think that this means a slot payout percentage indicates how often a player is likely to win. That’s not the case, though. A slot payout percentage or RTP is only an average estimation. There’s no way anyone can know in advance whether they’ll win or lose. Well that all depends on the slot game you play. But there are a couple of games. One is the wonder 4’s (Pompeii and indian Dream’m) and the Walking Dead. They’re both penny slots, but have good pay outs. Sometimes though you can’t get on those machines because people stay on them forever.
    Free Bet Blackjack: In this game you play just like Blackjack but instead of supplying your own money to double down and split, the casino will let you do it for free but still pay you as if you had wagered the money. Sounds too good to be true right? It is! In exchange for the free roll, if the dealer goes over 21 with a hand total of 22, then all bets push (even though the dealer busted). BARF! This doubles the house edge of normal Blackjack. This is not Blackjack. Stay away! The table limits in blackjack vary from one casino to the next—both in land-based and online gambling casinos. The table limits usually start at a minimum of $5, while online casinos even offer hands of only $1. And remember that the goal of blackjack is not simply to get as close to 21 as possible, but to beat the dealer and win as much as possible.

  49. In House of Fun Slots Casino you have to match a minimum of 6 characters during a spin to win a jackpot. Visit the developer website for more info and rules. Lucky cards are back! Play an exciting bonus game with every Lucky Card to win Extra, Lucky prizes, for even more awesome casino slot machine goodies. Spend your duplicate cards at the Star Market and choose your fantastic slot games rewards. One of the most exciting rulers of Ancient Egypt is the inspiration behind one of the casino’s most iconic games: the Cleopatra Slot. It’s no coincidence that she’s the most powerful symbol in the game, triggering the bonus feature that delivers tons of coins. Try for free today! If you are looking for games similar to Slots Casino – House of Fun , you came to the right place. Below we take a look at 10 great games like Slots Casino – House of Fun .
    What we don’t like: It is hard to find anything to not like with this set. It is on the pricey side, but given the quality of the set, it makes sense why it will cost you more than many other poker sets. If you can afford it, it is a great investment that your friends and family will be able to enjoy for years to come. Save it as a gift for a big moment like someone retiring, a 50th birthday, or even as a wedding gift! Aesthetics are important for creating a good poker night atmosphere, so you will want to pick out a set that stylistically suits your needs. Chip weight should also be considered, as heavier chips tend to have a more authentic feel. Finally, the number of chips you get should be tailored to the size of your poker games. It’s never fun to run out of chips during a high-stakes poker game!

  50. The site got off to a slow start traffic-wise and still trails PokerStars. But it has gained some ground. BetMGM occasionally runs a monthly tournament series, the BetMGM Online Series, that attracts decent-sized fields for certain events. Although the BetMGM Poker client is functional and easy to use, it lacks the sophistication of other online poker sites. That said, some players prefer the lack of “bells and whistles,” as it helps enable them to focus more directly on gameplay. Subscribe to our newsletter for exclusive content! This page covers the top real money poker sites. Below you will find summaries of the biggest and best global brands for international players. After that the top US options are covered. If you want to check out even more sites, I recommend reading our guide to what makes a good real money poker site at the bottom of this page.
    Non-US players thus can play at many casino sites with a good reputation and a variety of top software providers’ games. Our top picks for international online casino players are 888 Casino and Betway Casino, which stand out from the pack in a variety of ways. However, remember to stick to the verified online casino bonus sites because they will only list the best offers available. Don’t forget that there are also other types of bonuses, such as reload bonuses, cashback offers and more. Make sure to read all the details carefully before claiming any offer. International online casino players have a whole other set of gaming opportunities. In the non-US casino market, you’ll find online operators licensed by the world’s most developed regulator, the UK Gambling Commission.

  51. It’s hard to say what penny slot game is the best to play because it varies from person to person. We’ve put together many great penny slots, so skim through the article and see what strikes your fancy – this list of top penny slots will have your new favourite on it. The answer is a resounding yes! There are plenty of online casinos that offer penny slots, and many of them are even free to play. That said, there are some things you should know before you start spinning the reels on penny slots online. Free slots are a broad online games category available at no real cash cost. If you like playing, the free slots no download offer real money thrill at no cash cost. No download slot machines work on various devices without having a downloadable client since they are “no installation, no registration” games developers and casinos assure gamblers’ convenience by offering no signup for privacy reasons – just practice in instant play.
    It’s safe to say that Slot Queen has tremendous luck on the Buffalo Gold machine. On July 18, 2020, almost two years after the previous video was published, Slot Lady had another huge win on the video slot machine. This time she won a cool $1080.25 on a $10.50 bet. Legal | About | Contact admin@slotlady | Privacy Policy | web: jenniferboddam Following the slack from her followers and online gambling community, Slotlady issued a statement apologizing for promoting the casino and encouraging her followers to play on the site. She also stated that she would be more diligent in the future when promoting online casinos and would only promote those that were properly licensed and regulated. Back to Victor for a moment: I think his bad bets including blind bets and side bets is NOT a reflection on him but rather a calculated and clever way to appeal to viewers. He is not stupid. I think he found a niche which is why he plays a variety of table games. He is doing it for the views and for the money. link to original post

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  53. This heart marshmallow and toothpick building activity would be perfect for a Valentine’s Day party. It’s very inexpensive and tons of fun! It would also be a great geometry lesson to do in the classroom as Valentine’s Day approaches! 2) This challenge can also be repeated using 3×5 notecards and no marshmallows. Just measure the tallest structure. You could make a 2D rectangle by making 2 sides of the square longer. You can do this by adding on anther toothpick and marshmallow to the 2 longer sides. Then build this up in the same way to make a cuboid. Other awards can also be handed out to create a more competitive and lively race. Awards can include: best design, wackiest design, and sturdiest tower. Toothpick structures are a fantastic, low cost and easy STEM challenge that can keep kids busy for hours. We actually used cocktail sticks, but you could also use straws or spaghetti.
    Learning to code is for everyone; you don’t have to be good at math or a “techie” to learn how to code. Kids as young as five can learn to code and pick it up faster than most adults. Tynker Junior is a fun, interactive way to spark your kid’s interest in coding. Kids (ages 5-7) learn coding basics by connecting picture blocks to move their characters. Tynker’s immersive game-like coding courses and interactive lessons with built-in tutorials are perfect for beginners 5+ through experts 18+. Crosscutting Concepts help students explore connections across the four domains of science, including Physical Science, Life Science, Earth and Space Science, and Engineering Design. For all the teachers out there wondering how to celebrate Mother’s Day in school, look no further! From making card to crafting decorative vases, explore fun Mother’s Day classroom activities for students.

  54. The biggest underdog to qualify for the playoffs this season is the Jaguars. The preseason odds to make the NFL playoffs listed Jacksonville at +400 to make the field. And anyone who made that wager likely chalked it up as a loss after the Jags limped to a 2-6 start. But a season-ending five-game win streak vaulted Jacksonville to the top of a truly abysmal AFC South. The second-place Titans finished 7-10 with a -61 point differential. With the Browns having showed much improvement in the second half of the season, in part because of rising star quarterback Baker Mayfield, Las Vegas sportsbooks are actually paying attention to what the Browns will become in the 2019 season. As it usually happens, we expect the 2024 Super Bowl to register a record betting activity. According to a report from the American Gaming Association, the 2023 Super Bowl totalled $16 billion in wagers, doubling the amount that had been recorded for the 2022 Super Bowl, which was $7.6 billion.
    Odds in eSports represent the likelihood of an outcome of an eSports match. Learning the odds in eSports betting can affect your decision on where to place your bets. Fortunately, eSports odds are the same as sports betting odds. If you ever placed money line or spread bets, you will likely be familiar with eSports odds. The odds will give information on the high and low margins of the eSports games. It will help the bettors take a betting strategy to use for their choice of the match to bet on. Because eSports betting is still on the rise, a key element to look out for is how many betting markets are available. The best eSports bookmaker is one that offers a wide range of betting markets for you to choose from. There are more eSports bookmakers than ever before right now, so it can be tricky to find the right one. A video betting site has a few factors you should look for, like what’s available on the site and if it fits your needs. However, there are other concerns like security, the license, and customer service which aren’t immediately obvious until you run into a problem. These are the factors we’ve looked at for each of our eSports wagering websites reviews. These are the steps we follow to help you find the best video game betting sites and find out how they work:

  55. Besonders in Spielcasinos mit softwaretechnischen Slotmaschinen, kursieren ausgetüftelte Möglichkeiten, jegliche Slotmaschinen manipulieren zu können. Gewiefte Spieler nutzen diese Chancen aus, um jene Spielautomaten überlisten zu können. Geldspielautomaten manipulieren zu können ist aber nur mit speziellen Methoden möglich. Wer große Summen gewinnen möchte, muss also zunächst auch große Summen investieren. Nur kleine und mittlere Gewinnspannen sind auch mit einem geringen Einsatz möglich.Damit ist die Einflussnahme auf den Spielausgang aber noch nicht beendet. In jedem Spielautomaten agiert ein Wahrscheinlichkeitssystem, das festlegt, ab wie vielen absolvierten Spielen ein Nutzer die Möglichkeit hat, die volle Gewinnchance auszuschöpfen. Hier kommt wieder die bereits erwähnte Grundregel zum Tragen:
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