Maybank Syariah-Dompet Dhuafa Salurkan Ratusan APD

KATACARA, JAKARTA Pandemi Covid-19 yang kini masih mewabah di Indonesia menimbulkan rasa solidaritas tinggi di masyarakat. Maybank Syariah, salah satu unit jejaring Maybank Group, turut peduli dan berperan aktif dalam gelorakan Aksi Peduli Dampak Corona (APDC).

Sinergi melalui program kampanye bersama Dompet Dhuafa, Maybank Syariah memperoleh hasil penggalangan dana kebaikan, yang akan disalurkan dalam bentuk paket Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) lengkap untuk beberapa rumah sakit rujukan Covid-19 di beberapa provinsi.

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“Alhamdulillah, bersama Maybank Syariah dan para amanah donatur bersama, Dompet Dhuafa menerima dan menyalurkan bantuan berupa paket APD sebanyak 175 paket, dengan nilai donasi sebesar Rp 273 juta,” jelas Ahmad Faqih, GM Resource Mobilization ZIS Dompet Dhuafa melalui pesan Whatshapp pada (Rabu, 3/02/2021).

Hal ini dilakukan sebagai upaya Maybank Syariah dalam rangka upaya pencegahan Covid-19, khususnya untuk para garda terdepan pejuang Kesehatan di rumah sakit rujukan yang menangani pasien Covid-19. Beberapa rumah sakit yang sudah menerima bantuan APD ini diantaranya RSUD Muara Bungo Jambi, RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta, RS Bhakti Husada Tangerang Selatan, dan RSUP Dr. Soetomo Surabaya, RS Haji Jakarta serta RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang. Proses distribusi ini telah dilakukan sejak bulan Mei hingga dengan Desember 2020 lalu.

“Tentunya pihak rumah sakit sangat berterima kasih dengan adanya bantuan APD dari Maybank Indonesia, karena dengan adanya bantuan APD ini kepada kami, tentunya akan menambah semangat para pejuang Covid-19, khususnya para tenaga medis di garda terdepan dalam menangani para pasien di rumah sakit,” tutur Isti selaku Kasub It Rawat Inap di RS Haji Jakarta.

“Harapannya dengan adanya ikhtiar ini, upaya pencegahan penularan Covid-19 di rumah sakit bisa dikurangi, sehingga penanganan kasus Covid19 sehingga kita semua bisa sama-sama bangkit dan keluar dari pandemi yang sudah cukup lama memporak porandakan negeri ini. Tutur dan semoga bantuan ini bisa bernilai ibadah untuk kita semua khususnya untuk Maybank Indonesia”, pungkas Isti.

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  25. A post shared by Ryan Ford (@ryanmford) on Jul 3, 2018 at 3:55pm PDT In addition, the team at Ubisoft Montreal worked on making the parkour elements link together more smoothly. “You can start your freerunning by running diagonally to a wall — Arno will use handholds to do a diagonal wallrun and reach the next parkour ingredient,” he said. “Arno will also use the wall when jumping between beams — he jumps, grabs a handhold on the wall and uses that to propel himself toward the next beam. It’s hard to see at first, but as you travel through Paris you start to see all of these details and you really feel how Arno can fluidly move in the city.” Sweet. I’m going for a kind of insane / creepy feeling to the game. Throughout development, I tried to keep to a theme. Around halfway through, I was experimenting with Unity’s post-process effects and decided that a neon theme would be the way to go. Since then, I decided to home in on this theme, creating a custom VHS-style shader and overlaying a broken VHS video clip over the game’s camera. This helps sell the effect that the player is stuck in this 80’s-style ‘Neon Wonderland’. The slightly higher damaging cousin of the Lucian’s call. With slightly worse handling. It is also a world drop The slightly higher damaging cousin of the Lucian’s call. With slightly worse handling. It is also a world drop One of the best pistols in the game, The Queen’s Call has a high base and elemental damage. Additionally, when you do a critical with this pistol it will return 3 bullets back to your magazine, while spawning 3 additional bullets to hit an enemy. Continuous damage baby! The Queen’s Call comes in 5 different elements spawned at random. So like any Borderlands gun, you might need to farm it more than once to get the element you’re looking for. To acquire this Pistol you’ll need to almost complete the main story and defeat Tyreen the Destroyer to get it.

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