KolaborAksi Donatur Bersama Dompet Dhuafa Sulsel, Hadirkan Ambulans Bagi Masyarakat Kurang Mampu

KATACARA, MAKASSAR, – Menginjak usia 28 tahun, Dompet Dhuafa terus kolaborAksi dan menjaga komitmen untuk melayani serta memberdayakan masyarakat melalui program-program pemberdayaan dan kemanusiaan. KolaborAksi dengan berbagai lini masyarakat, kunci Dompet Dhuafa terus hadir salah satunya menghadirkan program sosial dan kemanusiaan yang didalamnya mencangkup layanan kesehatan untuk mustahik atau kurang mampu.

Sebagai bentuk pelayanan kesehatan kepada masyarakat, Dompet Dhuafa (DD) Sulawesi Selatan baru saja meluncurkan Layanan Ambulans Gratis pada (Rabu, 30/06/2021) untuk masyarakat kurang mampu. Layanan ini memberikan kemudahan antar – jemput bagi pasien kurang mampu yang ingin pergi dan pulang dari berobat.

Dikatakan oleh Pimpinan Cabang Dompet Dhuafa Sulsel, Rahmat Hidayat HM “Ambulance Gratis ini akan melayani masyarakat dari berbagai kalangan yang ingin pergi berobat dan sudah pulih dan ingin kembali ke rumah. Meskipun Layanan Ambulans Gratis ini sementara masih melayani masyarakat di wilayah Makassar namun tidak menutup kemungkinan kita akan menjangkau wilayah lainnya sesuai kebutuhan”.

Hadirnya Layanan Ambulans Gratis ini untuk mengurangi beban para warga yang kurang mampu. Dengan permasalahan yang masih ditemui di lapangan yaitu harga sewa ambulans yang tidak murah membuat masyarakat enggan menggunakan layanan ambulans. Selain itu, masih kurangnya armada ambulans yang melayani antar-jemput pasien menjadi alasan Dompet Dhuafa Sulsel meluncurkan ambulans gratis.

Di program kesehatan sendiri, Dompet Dhuafa Sulsel menerima banyak laporan permohonan bantuan dari masyarakat untuk penyediaan ambulance. Dalam berbagai kasus yang DD Sulsel temui, ada warga yang harus pergi ke rumah sakit tengah malam karena keadaan darurat dan membutuhkan ambulans, adapula warga yang ingin kembali dari rumah sakit pasca operasi, adapula warga yang ingin kembali dari berobat ke rumah singgah. Ada juga warga yang membutuhkan bantuan untuk pengantaran ke rumah sakit.

Contohnya yang terbaru ini seorang anak kecil berusia 11 tahun bernama Baim mengalami kelumpuhan dikarenakan kecelakaan motor yang menimpanya bersama ayahnya 7 bulan lalu. Namun karena tidak memiliki biaya, Baim hanya dirawat di rumah saja. Akan tetapi akibat kecelakaan ini, lutut baim yang semula bisa segera ditindaki harus berakhir hancur dan membusuk.

Untuk itu, membawanya ke rumah sakit harus menggunakan tandu. Karena baim hanya bisa mampu berbaring.

Mobil ambulans gratis Dompet Dhuafa Sulsel dilengkapi dengan fasilitas tabung oksigen, regulator, alat-alat infus, Lemari P3K dan tandu medis. Mobil ambulans tersebut akan memperkuat layanan kesehatan masyarakat, menyasar lokasi-lokasi yang sulit dijangkau oleh fasilitas konvensional serta memberikan layanan antar-jemput dari rumah sakit ke Rumah Singgah Pasien.

“Bagi masyarakat yang ingin menggunakan layanan Ambulance Gratis ini bisa menghubungi call center Dompet Dhuafa Sulsel di 0853-7321-1111. Semoga dengan hadirnya ambulance ini, membuat Dompet Dhuafa siap memberikan pelayanan terbaik. Serta terima kasih kepada para donatur yang telah berdonasi di Dompet Dhuafa Sulsel sehingga bisa menghadirkan layanan ambulans bagi masyarakat di wilayah Sulawesi Selatan dan Sekitarnya,” tutup Rahmat. .

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  35. Key stat: The Raptors and Rockets have hit the over in their past three meetings, including on Nov. 9 of this season. The Rockets lost to the Sacramento Kings 139-114 Friday, failing to cover as a 9.5-point road underdog. Houston is just 18-23-1 against the spread (ATS) this season and just 1-8 ATS in their last 9 games. They rank 30th in the NBA in field goal percentage (44.4%). LA has been without George for its last 4 games and is 1-3, and 1-2 ATS as a favorite in that span as well. Considering the absentees for LA, back the ROCKETS +9.5 (-110). So who wins Jazz vs. Rockets? And which side of the spread hits in almost 60% of simulations? Visit SportsLine now to see which side of the Rockets vs. Jazz spread you need to jump on Thursday, all from the model that has crushed its NBA picks, and find out.  
    The Lakers are currently -4 favorites versus the Jazz, with -107 at PointsBet the best odds currently available. Since the start of the 2018-2019 NBA season there have been 324 games where the closing over under line moved 1 point lower than the opening over under line. The Utah Jazz defeated the Portland Trail Blazers in their most recent game on Wednesday, 100-120, thanks to the admirable performances of star players Rudy Gobert and Joe Ingles. Gobert yielded 20 points (80.0 FG%) and 17 rebounds, whereas Joe Ingles chipped in 14 points (50.0 FG%). The Jazz are leading their division presently. Be sure to read our evaluation of the odds for Monday’s game below and think about how the squad’s recent form could impact their meeting versus Los Angeles. The SportsGrid NBA Betting Model expects Utah to dominate LA in this matchup. According to the model, the Jazz has an 81.48 percent chance of winning, a fair moneyline of -440, and an expected margin of victory of 10.5 points. Compare that to Fanduel Sportsbook, which has Utah at -184 on the moneyline and -4.5 on the spread.

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  49. When it comes to online casinos in New Jersey, Virgin Casino is one of the most popular options. Part of the reason for this is that it offers plenty of slots, blackjack, roulette, and other fun games. Additionally, Virgin Casino has a number of promotions and bonuses that make it an attractive option for both new and returning players.If you’re looking for an online casino that offers a wide range of casino games and generous bonuses, then Virgin Casino is definitely worth checking out. Yes. New Jersey casinos are regulated by the New Jersey Casino Control Commission. New Jersey also has a branch of law enforcement dedicated to in-state gambling matters called the Division of Gaming Enforcement. We only recommend online casinos that are licensed and regulated by New Jersey’s Division of Gaming Enforcement. We also test how responsive every online casino support staff is. A new NJ online casino must be properly licensed and regulated by the New Jersey DGE (Division of Gaming Enforcement). Online gambling sites must also operate in partnership with an established Atlantic City casino. If a new online casino in NJ doesn’t have the right regulation, we’ll warn you.
    6-12 With 8 16 killStarts Sunday Morning You place the bet before your cards are dealt. Typically there will be a 21+3 box on the table in which you place your stake for the side bet. Texas hold’em is one of the most popular traditional poker games today, with one of the reasons is that “any two cards can win.” The same holds true for the new Ultimate Texas Hold’em®. The best “hole cards” (2-card starting hand) sometimes will not win, and the worst starting hand (hole cards) sometimes becomes the winning poker hand after all of the community cards are exposed. This exciting card game is a fun variant to play next time you hit the casino and want to try something other than the usual staples, like roulette and blackjack. You’ll usually find 3-card poker tables together in a specific section of the pit. And if you prefer to play on the web, online casinos also frequently offer 3-card poker.

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