Kementan: Tugas Kami Menjaga Produksi Pertanian

KATACARA, JAKARTA – Kementerian Pertanian (Kementan) terus berupaya meningkatkan produksi pangan untuk tetap memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat. Saat ini produksi pertanian terbilang memadai seiring masifnya pembangunan sarana prasarana pertanian, mekanisasi dan pemanfaatan teknologi mekanisasi, serta upaya-upaya lainnya.

Kepala Biro Humas dan Informasi Publik Kementan, Kuntoro Boga Andri mengatakan sesuai amanat UU, Kementan terus menjaga produksi dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani.

“Kita berkomitmen menjaga produksi dan kesejahteraan petani. Bahkan di masa panen raya ini, kami aktif turun ke lapangan untuk menjaga harga jual gabah petani. Petani harus kita jaga kegembiraannya di masa panen,” jelas Kuntoro.

Upaya Kementan salah satunya dengan membentuk Tim Terpadu Gerakan Serap Gabah Petani. Mentan menerbitkan surat Menteri Pertanian Nomor 28/TP.100/M/03/2021, dengan komposisi tim jajaran Kementerian Pertanian, jajaran Perum Bulog, Dinas Pertanian, Dinas Ketahanan Pangan, Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan, Kodim, Polres, Persatuan Pengusaha Penggilingan Padi dan Beras (Perpadi), serta Komando Strategi Penggilingan Padi (Kostraling).

“Tim tersebut bergerak menyerap produksi dengan membeli gabah di tingkat petani sesuai dengan HPP. Itu yg ingin dipastikan,” jelasnya.

Hasil survei kerangka sampel area (KSA) BPS menunjukkan potensi luas panen padi pada musim Januari–April 2021 mencapai 4,86 juta ha atau naik sekitar 1,02 juta ha (26,53 persen) dibandingkan dengan subround Januari–April 2020 yang sebesar 3,84 juta ha. Kenaikan terjadi karena panen raya di awal tahun, terutama di sejumlah daerah terus menunjukan tren positif.

“Pak Mentan sudah bersurat juga pada KaBulog agar mempercepat penyerapan gabah petani. Kita ingin harga tidak anjlok dan petani dapat menikmati hasil panen. Ini langkah kongkret pemerintah,” tutup Kuntoro.

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    The German poker player, Sandra Naujoks, is also known as the Black Mamba in the poker world. Sandra mainly plays No-Limit Hold ’em live tournaments. Some of her poker feats include winning the final table at the Casinos Austria Poker Tour in 2008, the GIGA Pokernight in 2008, winning the European Poker Championship in 2008, and winning the main event of the European Poker Tour in 2009. Sandra Naujoks has not won any poker bracelets to date. With three WSOP bracelets to his name, Jonathan Duhamel is one of the most-decorated Canadians on the game’s biggest stage. The 34-year-old won nearly $9 million from the 2010 No-Limit Hold’em World Championship alone, and he’s acquired big prizes in all corners of the globe. For me, the same holds true for poker players. Obviously Johnny Moss from 1950 is not going to be much of a match for one of today’s stars thanks to the strategic and theoretical changes to the game, but if we were to assume Johnny Moss was born in 1985 then I see no reason why he wouldn’t be a dominant force in today’s game; basically if you dominated your era it shows you were at the top of the game and outworked your opponents, so there is no reason why this wouldn’t hold true in a different era.

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  40. The best car game out there for pranksters young and old, While You Were Sleeping uses the vehicle’s sleeping passenger to create some merriment. To play it, wait until someone falls asleep; then, scheme with your fellow car-mates to make up a story about something that happened while that person slumbered. When he or she wakes up, passengers tell the tale and try to get the sleeper to believe it. The most convincing storyteller, who never goes off script and manages to convince the sleeper of the absolute “truthness” of the story, wins the game. Re-volt 2 is a straightforward car racing game that will make you addicted in no time. The earlier version of the game did not support multi-player mode, but this latest release allows you to add your friends to the game. Some several cars and characters can be easily customized at the player’s wish. So enjoy this ultimate racing game with your friends without paying a single penny.
    And besides discussing the game’s early success on Nintendo Switch, Team Meat delved further in re-confirming a physical copy of Super Meat Boy for Nintendo Switch — in case you were holding out for that. For those unfamiliar with Super Meat Boy, it’s a tough-as-nails platformer with a simple premise. Originally a Flash game called Meat Boy, Super Meat Boy was an incredible successor when it launched on the Xbox Live Arcade. These games demand impeccable precision and the ability to learn from trial and error. Many consider these games to be too difficult, leading to numerous instances of “rage quitting”. But for those who are able to withstand the punishing difficulty, the sense of overall achievement is tremendous. No region has been specified for release, but McMillen expects the game to release “by the end of the year.” The game’s website,, will contain a development blog that will be updated as Meat Boy gears up to make his Nintendo debut.

  41. Часто встречается в сыворотках и даже туши для ресниц коллаген — еще один популярный ингредиент увлажняющих кремов для лица. Но учтите, тушь с коллагеном — скорее заманчивый маркетинговый ход, его концентрация там слишком мала. – Есть средство под названием Careprost, его продают как косметическое средство для роста ресниц и бровей, но я знаю, что изначально это препарат для лечения глаукомы. Хотелось бы узнать мнение специалиста о свободной продаже медицинских препаратов и целесообразности их применения. На рынке косметологии появилось новое, инновационное средство – Карепрост для ресниц, которое позволяет улучшить состояние волосков за минимальный период. Медикаментозная природа вещества привела к разногласиям по поводу его безопасности. Большинство офтальмологов выступают против использования Карепроста. Карепрост – волшебное средство по доступной ценегальванический-массажер-для-лица
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  42. O FIFA+, plataforma de streaming digital da entidade que comanda o futebol no mundo, está transmitindo todos os jogos da Copa ao vivo e de graça. – Pelé era um jogador com ideias fantásticas, que davam um “tchan” ao futebol. Hoje é um jogo com muitos toques, muito combate… É muito difícil ter alguém igual a ele surgindo – garantiu. Nada melhor do que acompanhar um grande duelo entre equipes de qualidade. Diante disso, nesta terça-feira (12), a seleção brasileira entra em campo para enfrentar o Uruguai, pela segunda rodada do grupo B na Copa América Feminina. A partida será no Estádio Centenário de Armenia, a partir das 18h. Países de todos os continentes participam da posse do 39ª presidente da República Federativa do Brasil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), neste domingo (1º.jan.2023). São 65 delegações estrangeiras, entre chefes e vice-chefes de Estado, de governo e de poder. Representantes de organismos internacionais também comparecerão ao evento.
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