GUMSB Virtual Unhas Bahas Permasalahan Zina dan Solusinya

KATACARA, MAKASSAR– Universitas Hasanuddin kembali menyelenggarakan Gerakan Mengaji dan Sholat Berjamaah (GUMSB). GUMSB kali ini merupakan kegiatan akhir Semester Awal 2020/2021, dan akan dilanjutkan kembali pada Semester Akhir 2020/2021 mendatang. Fakultas Ilmu Budaya (FIB) bertindak sebagai panitia penyelenggara. Agenda rutin setiap pekan ini berlangsung mulai pukul 16.00 Wita secara virtual melalui aplikasi zoom meeting, Selasa (15/12).

Mengawali kegiatan, Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik FIB Unhas Prof. Dr. Fathu Rahman, M.Hum., menuturkan GUMSB menjadi gerakan yang sangat efektif sebagai media untuk mengingatkan sivitas akademika Unhas maupun masyarakat terhadap ajaran Sang Pencipta ditengah kesibukan dunia.

Kegiatan resmi dibuka oleh Wakil Rektor Bidang Kemahasiswaan dan Alumni Unhas, Prof. Dr. drg. A. Arsunan, M.Kes. Dalam sambutannya, beliau menyampaikan program GUMSB menjadi salah satu sarana pengembangan pengetahuan religius.

Meskipun ditengah pandemi Covid-19, Prof Arsunan menuturkan program ini tetap jalan dengan memanfaatkan perkembangan teknologi. Pandemi tidak membatasi kegiatan seperti ini. Apalagi dilaksanakan secara virtual sebagai bentuk penerapan protokol Covid-19.

“Program ini akan kembali dilanjutkan pada semester mendatang. Untuk mahasiswa yang aktif mengikuti, akan mendapatkan sertifikat yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pendamping ijazah,” kata Prof. Arsunan.

Pada kesempatan yang sama, hadir sebagai narasumber untuk mengisi sesi ceramah islamiah yakni usth. Hj. Amrah Kasim, Lc., MA., yang menjelaskan materi tentang “Permasalahan Zina dan Solusinya Dalam Al-Quran”.

Hj. Amrah menjelaskan mengenai perzinahan dalam Q.S An-Nur. Makna yang terkandung pada ayat tersebut wajib untuk dipelajari dan diamalkan. Hal ini tentunya akan memberikan pemahaman dan pengetahuan terkait perzinahan yang sangat dilarang oleh Allah Swt. Untuk itu, pentingnya mengetahui hukum perzinahan sebagai pengingat guna menghindari hal yang tidak sesuai dengan ajaran Allah Swt.

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GUMSB ditutup dengan sambutan Rektor Unhas Prof. Dr. Dwia Aries Tina Pulubuhu, MA. Beliau mengapresiasi kegiatan rutin dapat terus berjalan meskipun ditengah pandemi. Prof. Dwia berharap agenda tiap pekan ini akan semakin mengokohkan iman dan taqwa sivitas akademika Unhas secara khusus dan masyarakat secara umum.

“Hadirnya Gerakan Unhas Mengaji dan Shalat Berjamaah ini menjadi pedoman dalam melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawab yang lebih baik kedepan, sehingga kita dapat terhindar dari hal-hal yang menjerumuskan,” kata Prof. Dwia.

Kegiatan yang dipandu oleh Drs. Sulaiman Gosalam, M.Si., (Ketua GUMSB) selaku moderator dan diikuti kurang lebih 500 peserta berlangsung lancar hingga menjelang shalat Maghrib.(*/mir)

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  12. The most common magic mushroom is Psilocybe semilanceata or the liberty cap and it is commonly found in pastures or verges. It takes .2 to .5 grams of dried magic mushrooms to begin to feel the effects of the psilocybin. Height, weight and metabolism affect how a person may feel when ingesting magic mushrooms. Studies on the effects of psilocybin on the human brain have also been carried out in the US, Israel and Spain, linking it with successful treatment of post-traumatic stress, obsessive compulsive disorder, alleviation of distress in the dying, alcoholism and severe migraine. The Psilocybe semilanceata contains a toxin called psilocybin, responsible for the hallucinative properties. This can also cause vomiting, stomach pains and anxiety attacks. In addition, tachycardia, increased blood pressure and heart attacks have also been reported. There is the potential for psychotic states and seizures from ingesting Psilocybe semilanceata. Subsequent to this srudy, Dr. Johnson (also of Johns Hopkins), along with researchers from the University of Alabama at Birmingham and New York University, received $4 million in study grants from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, to test if psilocybin can indeed help people quit smoking. As the National Institute on Drug Abuse is a federal agency, this is now the first time in 50 years that a federal agency has funded research on a classic psychedelic for therapeutic uses. Generally, the group who quit smoking had a more intense smoking history than the group who reduced smoking: they started smoking at an earlier age, smoked more cigarettes per day, smoked for a more extended period, and had a higher level of dependence. The pill she was taking contained psilocybin.

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  62. The developer has confirmed that Telltale’s episodic Game of Thrones series will be back in season 2. Help Center When we initially announced the series in 2013, we let everyone know this would be a multi-title, multiyear partnership with HBO. After this week’s finale, I’m pleased to officially confirm that there will be a second season of Telltale’s Game of Thrones series and that it’s currently in development. Some of those animations, though. When the lad flees deeper into the woods to escape Frey soldiers at the end of the first scene, he twirls around slowly and “runs” in such a fashion as to be absolutely comedic and entirely tension-shattering. We practically snorted beer everywhere when it happened. I am still holding out that our decisions will have more impact in later episodes, starting now. I’ve heard good and bad things about the Walking Dead games, so this gave Telltale the opportunity to learn from past mistakes in that regard. I understand the necessity to keep the first Episode’s ending the same for sake of storyline. Can you imagine how many alternate versions Telltale would have to author in order to accommodate several endings just in Episode 1?
    As you get Fortnite from the Epic Games’ Launcher application, you can also perform the removal in the launcher app. Here are the detailed instructions you can follow: So, Christmas rolled around, and you just got a Mac from your loved ones. The problem is, not a lot of games are supported by the Mac OS, and you aren’t sure that you will be able to game on your new device. quora Epic revealed the bad news via its Fortnite Status account (thanks, Engadget). “Beginning January 30, Fortnite players using the August 2020 13.40 app build previously available on iOS, Mac, and Google Play can no longer spend V-Bucks and must be over 18 to play,” the tweet reads. Author Product: Meeting the Fortnite system requirements isn’t especially hard, but we’ve got all the information you need to get your PC ready to drop in to Epic Games’ battle royale. The Fortnite game size means you’ll need around 30GB of storage space to get the game installed.

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