KATACARA, JAKARTA – Pada 2020 Dompet Dhuafa menginisiasi program Kawasan Sehat yang bertujuan untuk menciptakan kawasan yang memiliki indikator – indikator kesehatan tertentu yang dicapai melalui kegiatan pemberdayaan, peningkatan kompetensi sumber daya manusia, pengelolaan sumber daya lokal dan kemitraan. Pos Sehat dibentuk sebagai pusat pengembangan Program Kesehatan Kawasan minimal setingkat RW. Salah satu indikatornya adalah Pengelolaan pasien Tuberkulosis (TBC) pendampingan pengobatan penderita TBC sampai sembuh yang berbasis masyarakat.
Langkah upaya upaya mendukung program eliminasi TB di Indonesia, Dompet Dhuafa melalui LKC Dompet Dhuafa telah melakukan program penanggulangan penyakit TBC sejak tahun 2004-2020 bermitra dengan kementerian kesehatan, Aisyiah, LKNU dan mitra Dompet Dhuafa lainnya, fokus program pada pemberdayaan masyarakat berupa TBC komunitas dengan kegiatan berupa pelatihan dan pemberdayaan kader TBC, kontak investigasi, active case finding dan membentuk pusat informasi TBC masyarakat yang berada di Pos Sehat dan Desa/kelurahan di wilayah program TBC serta konfirmasi diagnostik, edukasi dan pelatihan PMO serta pemantauan pengobatan sampai sembuh dilayanan satelit kesehatan Dompet Dhuafa.
Menurut dr. Siti Nadia Tarmizi, M. Epid, selaku Direktur P2PMI, Kementerian Kesehatan RI dalam acara webinar TB Day pada Rabu (31/03/2021) mengatakan, “terdapat enam langkah upaya strategi penanggulangan TBC 2020-2024, dimulai dari penguatan pemimpin program pada tingkat pusat, provinsi dan kabupaten maupun kota, peningkatan akses pelayanan Tuberkulosis yang bermutu dan berpihak pada pasien, lalu peningkatan upaya promosi, pencegahan, pemberian obatan pencegahan dan pengedalian infeksi, pada strategi keempat pemanfaatan hasil riset dan teknologi skrining, diagnosis dan tata laksana Tuberkulosis, sementara pada strategi kelima peningkatan peran serta komunitas, mitra dan sektor lainnya, dan pada strategi keenam penguatan manajemen program melalui penguatan sistem kesehatan”.
Namun dari semua strategi dan upaya dalam penanggulangan TB di Indonesia, “terdapat tantangan dan hambatan yang ditemui terutama di lapangan, mulai dari terhambatnya kegiatan Investigasi Kontak (IK) , beban ganda petugas TB dengan Covid-19, keterbatasan fasilitas kesehatan yang melayani TB RO hingga stigma masyrakat tentang TB RO”, tambah dr. Siti Nadia Tarmizi.
Direktur P2PML kemenkes juga menyampaikan apresiasi atas peran dan kontribusi Dompet Dhuafa sejak 2004 sampai saat ini dengan kemitraan strategis dan program dukungan kesehatan dan non kesehatan yg mendukung upaya eliminasi TBC 2030.
Tuberkulosis dengan Covid-19 mempunyai perbedaan yang sangat tipis, hal ini dipaparkan oleh DR. Dr. Anna Rozaliyani, M. Biomed, Sp. P(K) selaku perwakilan Persatuan Dokter Paru Indonesia, “Bahwa masyarakat harus mengenali perbedaan gejala TB dan Covid-19, terutama pada sakit kepala bila dalam TBC tidak ada namun pada Covid-19 sering dikeluhkan, batuk pada TBC batuk kronik dapat berlangsung lebih dari 2 minggu sementara pada Covid-19 batuk tiba-tiba dan kering, namun akan berdahak bila pada kasus yang berat, nyeri tenggorokan tidak ditemukan pada TBC namun sering terlapor pada kasus Covid-19, berat badan, keringat malam hingga nafsu makan menurun ini sering ditemui pada kasus TBC akan tetapi tidak pada kasus Covid-19, sementara sesak nafas pada kasus TBC ada namun konstan akan tetapi pada kasus Covid-19 sesak akan memburuk pada hitungan hari”.
“Masyarakat umum harus menjadi garda terdepan dalam penanggulangan TB selanjutnya terdapat peran tokoh masyarakat, mitra kesmas hingga fasiltas pelayanan kesehatan, puskesman dan klinik sementara pada benteng terakhir terdapat Rumah sakit baik non rujukan maupun rujukan”, tambah DR. Dr. Anna Rozaliyani, M. Biomed, Sp. P(K).
Sementara di sisi lain dr. Yeni Purnamasari, MKM selaku GM Divisi Kesehatan Dompet Dhuafa, mengatakan, “Dengan melihat dari kasus TB yang terjadi di Indonesia, ternyata mempunyai dampak sosial-ekonomi yang dapat di timbulkan oleh pasien yang mengidap penyakit TBC antara lain biaya yang dikeluarkan baik untuk transportasi menuju pengobatan hingga biaya tambahan selama pengobatan, hilangnya produktifitas pada usia produktif dikarenakan sakit serta pre mature death”.
“Berbagai tantangan dalam penanggulangan TB di masyarakat yang ditemui dilapangan adalah terbatasnya dukungan keberhasilan pengobatan diantaranya akses transportasi, kebutuhan hidup, rumah singgah, atau tempat selama pengobatan, di sisi lain masih terdapat stigma negatif di masyarakat, dukungan psikososial dan ekonomi terbatas, tidak ada program pemberdayaan pasca pengobatan hingga perlu penguatan advokasi akses UHC dan pengambil kebijakan”
“Hal tersebut menjadi dasar perencanaan program berkesinambungan dikawasan sehat oleh Dompet Dhuafa dengan output program kawasan bebas TBC di 12 Wilayah LKC dompet Dhuafa di 12 Provinsi di Indonesia. Capaian tersebut dimulai dengan aktivasi edukasi dan pelatihan kader, temuan dan investigasi kasus dan follow up kasus TB di wilayah kawasan bekerjasama dengan puskesmas. Juga sudah dimulai dukungan nutrisi berupa paket gizi bagi 121 pasien TBC SO (sensitif Obat) dan RO (Resisten Obat) di wilayah kawasan sehat LKC Dompet Dhuafa”
Sementara di lokasi lain, tepatnya di Sulawesi Selatan, Asdin perwakilan Layanan Kesehatan Cuma-cuma (LKC) Sulsel menyampaikan aktivitas kegiatan yg dilakukan di kawasan sehat, “Kami hari ini bersama puskesmas dan DDV Sulsel meninjau salah satu pasien TB di RW 02, Keluarahan Pandang, Panakkukang, Sulawesi Selatan, selain kegiatan kujungan ketuk pintu, kami juga mengedukasi kepada pasien TB. Serta pemberian asupan gizi kepada pasien TB, ini merupakan bentuk dukungan dan pendampingan selama satu tahun kedepan.
Zulfiani perwakilan keluarga pasien TB, mengucapkan “terima kasih Dompet Dhuafa dalam membantu dan memperhatikan kami semoga sehat semua”.
Upaya ini perlu terus dilanjutkan dengan peran dan kolaborasi semua pihak secara berkesinambungan dan dampak pandemi covid 19 tidak menghambat upaya penanggulangan TBC di Indonesia. Karena setiap detik berharga. Selamatkan Bangsa dari Tuberkulosis.
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Cannabis is known to all as an ingredient with multiple health benefits, but even that still has not made cannabis accepted widely. It could be that you use tetrahydrocannabinol or THC for its medical benefits, but that might still be a problem with your work.
Even though some states have legalized marijuana, many companies still need their employees to undergo drug tests, such as a saliva drug test, hair follicle drug test, or urine test. These drug tests help a company evaluate the employee’s mental state for lawsuits in case any accidents happen.
You need to pass your test to keep the job, which is where THC detox products come into action. THC detox supplements come in many forms, such as whole THC detox kits, THC detox drinks, THC detox pills, THC detox shampoos, etc. Today we have reviewed some of the best THC detox products for you in this guide.
Firstly, let us go through a summary of all the products:
Pass Your Test Homepage: Complete detox kit with a meal plan
Pass Your Test Same Day Cleansers: It enables you to pass a drug test in just 90 minutes
Pass Your Test Permanent Cleansers: Two variations for heavy and light users
TestClear 5-Day Detox: Specially made for vaping, edibles, or wax
TestClear Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo: It needs only 3 to 10 days to help you pass a hair drug test
TestClear Mega Clean Detox Drink: vitamins, minerals, and herb-rich, extremely potent formula
TestClear Toxin Rid Detox Mouthwash: Best potent THC detox product for saliva tests
TestClear XXtra Clean Cleansing Drink: It contains active ingredients which work in just 2-3 hours before any drug test
TestClear Toxin Rid 7-Day Pills: 3-step complete detox kit to help with drug tests.
Rescue Cleanse 32oz Detox Drink: It takes only an hour to start working; even people over 200lbs can use it.
Macujo: To be mixed with everyday house items uses a 7-step process.
Quick Fix Synthetic Urine: Toxin-free and natural, synthetic urine technology.
TestClear Urine Simulation Powdered Urine Kit: The powdered urine THC detox kit has a temperature strip and heating tool.
The Best THC Detox Products of 2022
Here are some of the best products available for THC detoxification. The THC detox method used by these products will ensure you pass drug tests easily.
Pass Your Test Homepage
Pass Your Test Homepage
Pass Your Test Homepage
Product Overview
Product Type(s): Detox supplements, Guides, Testing Kits, etc.
Top Highlights:
Home to the best detox guides and kits
Easy-to-use products available
Great customer reviews
Featured on multiple platforms
Money-Back Guarantee: 30-day money-back guarantee
Price: Starts from $19.95
When it comes to passing a drug test, Pass Your Test is one of the best THC detox products. This company has more than 20 years of experience in the field and has been featured in many magazines like High Times, Leafly, Vice, Mary Jane, etc. All of these magazines are highly popular among marijuana users as they use these magazines to source their products. The reviews in these magazines have remained positive regarding this THC detox product.
The company provides many THC detox products, but the 5-Day Extreme Detoxification Program is a fan favorite and is talked about the most. This is fantastic if you are a heavy user and need long-term detoxification. This THC detox method will eliminate toxins from your body and ensure no traces of THC are left so you can easily pass a drug test.
Pass Your Test requires you to ingest THC detox pills and THC detox formula along with a meal plan. These are designed to help you eliminate THC traces from your body within a week. Pass Your Test has multiple THC detox products for heavy and light users. They also have a money-back guarantee which further ensures us that they are indeed one of the best THC detox products, and you can easily trust them to detox THC traces that might be there in your body.
Pass Your Test Same Day Cleansers
Pass Your Test Same Day Cleansers
Pass Your Test Same Day Cleansers
Product Overview
Product Type(s): Quick Detox kits
Top Highlights:
Products available for different levels of toxins in the body
Perfect for quick cleansing
Made from natural ingredients
Safe to use
Money-Back Guarantee: 30-day money-back guarantee
Price: Starts from $49.95
You can’t always be prepared for a drug test, can you? Many companies take surprise drug tests to get the most accurate results. But with Pass Your Test, you don’t have to worry; you will not test positive.
Precisely for this type of situation or any emergency, Pass Your Test offers Same Day Cleansers. This cleanser contains natural ingredients such as cranberry juice and lemon juice with vitamins and herbs that will immediately cleanse THC from your body. The product follows the best THC detox method, which triggers the body’s urination and speeds up cleaning the traces of THC.
Pass Your Test provides Clean Caps and Clean Shot, the best THC detox methods for you if you are a light or moderate user. You can use the Fail Safe kit, a reliable THC detox kit for heavy users who like an excellent THC detox. This THC detox kit will take a maximum of 90 minutes to eliminate all traces of THC from your body and help you pass a drug test even on short notice.
Pass Your Test Permanent Cleansers
Product Overview
Product Type(s): Complete detox solutions
Top Highlights:
Contains two home-test kits
Easy to use
It contains a detailed guide
Offers long-lasting results.
Better efficacy
Money-Back Guarantee: 30-day money-back guarantee
Price: Starts from $109.95
Companies perform several types of drug tests, but if you are facing a urine drug test or blood test, the Pass Your Test Permanent Cleanser should be one of your preferred THC detox products to flush THC out of your body. This cleanser has quick and long-lasting results, leaving your body clean.
This product completely processes THC out of your body within 5 to 10 days. Since it is for a more extended period, so you get better chances of passing a drug test. You can also use this product if you are trying to stop taking THC products altogether.
This product has two variations: the 5-Day Extreme Detoxification Program and the 10-Day Ultra Detoxification Program. The 5-day program is for those who weigh under 200lb, and the 10-day program is for people above 200lb or anyone who wants to undergo a deep cleansing process.
TestClear 5-Day Detox
TestClear 5-Day Detox
TestClear 5-Day Detox
Product Overview
Product Type(s): Detox program
Top Highlights:
Perfect for heavy exposure to toxins such as THC
It contains a 3-step detox program
Made from completely natural ingredients
Safe to use
Money-Back Guarantee: 100% satisfaction guarantee
Price: Starts from $109.95
TestClear 5-Day Detox is another popular THC detox product that gives tough competition to Pass Your Test. This product is for those exposed to THC or any other toxin. This detox process is the best for you if you use vape, edibles, or wax. This product might take some time but will eliminate toxins, including THC, from your body.
If you decide to go through this program, you must take doses of detox liquid and Toxin Rid prep-rid pills to complete the detoxification process. This is a part of the 3 step detoxification program. The ingredients in this THC detox product will start the cleansing process within an hour.
TestClear 5-Day Detox is made of natural ingredients like lemon juice and cranberry juice and has no chemicals, fillers, or animal additives. This THC detox product’s official website claims it only contains herbs, vitamins, and minerals and is safe to use.
TestClear Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo
TestClear Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo
TestClear Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo
Product Overview
Product Type(s): Detox shampoo
Top Highlights:
Best for hair drug test
Removes residual toxins from the hair
Removes THC from the scalp
Made from safe ingredients
Money-Back Guarantee: 100% satisfaction guarantee
Price: Starts from $236
There are multiple types of drug tests; the common ones are urine tests, saliva drug tests, and blood tests. But these days, a hair drug test isn’t that uncommon, as it will reflect THC usage at the maximum. The hair technician will take a few hair follicles and conduct a hair follicle drug test to get specific results.
Not many people know this, but THC traces can be found on hair even after 90 days of consumption. So if you only use the oral detox products mentioned above, you will surely test positive, which is why you need this Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo, which is essentially a detox shampoo.
The Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo is a mixture of many healthy natural ingredients, including aloe vera, which goes deep into your scalp to eliminate any traces of THC. This detox shampoo is pretty easy to use. You wash your hair with it as you would wash with regular shampoo. The only downside is that this shampoo does not show an instant result. You must wash your hair for 3 to 10 days before taking a hair drug test.
TestClear Mega Clean Detox Drink
TestClear Mega Clean Detox Drink
TestClear Mega Clean Detox Drink
Product Overview
Product Type(s): Detox drink
Top Highlights:
It comes in the form of liquid
Good taste
Removes toxins easily
It comes in two flavors
Great customer reviews
Money-Back Guarantee: 100% satisfaction guarantee
Price: Starts from $69.95
TestClear Mega Clean Detox Drink is a concentrated liquid with vitamins, minerals, and herbs as the main ingredients. It is favored amongst users and ranks highest as TestClear’s best THC detox product. The detox liquid has two flavors: wild berry and tropical fruity, so these detox drinks taste good too.
The TestClear Mega Clean Detox Drink has ingredients that have been proven to cleanse THC out of your system thoroughly. If you follow the procedure entirely, the product might show some THC withdrawal symptoms within one hour. You need to give the product at least 3 to 5 hours for maximum results.
This detox drink comes in a one-liter bottle. It has proven to be one of the best THC detox drinks on the market, so you can be sure that this product will answer your query about if THC detox products work.
TestClear Toxin Rid Detox Mouthwash
TestClear Toxin Rid Detox Mouthwash
TestClear Toxin Rid Detox Mouthwash
Product Overview
Product Type(s): Detox mouthwash
Top Highlights:
Perfect for a saliva test
It can last as long as 4 hours
Removes THC safely
Easy and safe to use
Good customer reviews
It comes from a genuine brand
Money-Back Guarantee: 100% satisfaction guarantee
Price: Starts from $29.95
There is a drug test where they check your saliva for any traces of THC. So if you have consumed any THC even in the last few years, it will show up in the saliva drug test. So you must cleanse THC from your saliva to pass saliva drug tests.
The TestClear Toxin Rid Detox Mouthwash is the best THC detox for any saliva drug test; it is said to take effect immediately after usage. Pour the product into your mouth and swish before a saliva drug test. If you use this product once, you will never need to wonder if THC detox mouthwash works.
When you put the Toxin Rid Detox Mouthwash into your mouth, all the vitamins, minerals, and plant extracts remove all the toxins from your mouth. The effect of this detox mouthwash is said to last four hours, as per the manufacturer.
TestClear XXtra Clean Cleansing Drink
TestClear XXtra Clean Cleansing Drink
TestClear XXtra Clean Cleansing Drink
Product Overview
Product Type(s): Detox drink
Top Highlights:
It comes in tropical flavors
Quick acting
Lats for 3 to 5 hours
Best to flush out all THC residue
Safe to drink
Money-Back Guarantee: 100% satisfaction guarantee
Price: Starts from $39.95
When you need to clean your body of THC, there is no detox drink better than the TestClear XXtra Clean Cleansing Drink. This detox drink contains active ingredients such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, vitamins, and minerals. These ingredients are believed to help fasten your body’s natural detoxification processes.
Gulp down this THC detox drink 2 to 3 hours before your drug test. This drink will keep you clean for the next 1 to 5 hours, though the maximum efficiency of this product is noticed around the 3rd-hour mark, according to the manufacturers.
This 200z-sized detox drink will reportedly flush out any sign of THC from your body; you can trust this product to help you pass your drug testing.
TestClear Toxin Rid 7-Day Pills
TestClear Toxin Rid 7-Day Pills
TestClear Toxin Rid 7-Day Pills
Product Overview
Product Type(s): Detox pills
Top Highlights:
It contains a comprehensive step-by-step guide to removing THC
Natural ingredients
Safe to use
Best for heavy exposure
Long-lasting effects
Money-Back Guarantee: 100% satisfaction guarantee
Price: Starts from $153.95
These THC detox pills follow proven detox methods to help you pass a drug test within a week. These detox pills also clear out any harmful chemicals you may have in your body besides THC. These THC detox pills work better than most other ones on the market.
TestClear Toxin Rid 7-Day Pills users have to go through a 3-step detoxification process of pre-rid tablets, dietary fiber, and liquid detox. The pre-rid tablets are 103 in number, the dietary fiber is 1.5oz, and the liquid detox is 30ml. The dietary fiber in these detox kits is also known to improve digestion and help with the body’s natural detoxification processes.
This long and multiple-step program is best for people who have been using marijuana excessively for a long time, as their system contains very high amounts of THC and toxins.
Rescue Cleanse 32oz Detox Drink
Rescue Cleanse 32oz Detox Drink
Rescue Cleanse 32oz Detox Drink
Product Overview
Product Type(s): Detox drink
Top Highlights:
Easy to consume
Safe for usage
Plant-based and natural ingredients
Works fast
It lasts for as long as 5 hours
Money-Back Guarantee: NA
Price: Starts from $55
If you have a THC drug test and don’t have much time, then the Rescue Cleanse 32oz Detox Drink might be your answer to pass a drug test. This drink takes about 1 hour to start working. The Rescue Cleanse 32oz Detox Drinks are effective for people over 200lbs without any side effects.
The Rescue Cleanse 32oz Detox Drink is a simple, straightforward product. It also comes in two tasty flavors, fruity apple and cranberry. This THC detox drink will put you on clearance for 5 hours. So you have plenty of time to complete the drug test.
Product Overview
Product Type(s): Detox pills, drinks, and more.
Top Highlights:
A brand with great customer testimonials
Affordable detox kits and products
Safe to use
Products contain safe and natural ingredients for detox
Money-Back Guarantee: NA
Price: $35
Macujo is a well-trusted company with almost 20 years of experience in the field led by their CEO Mike Macujo. Although Macujo has products for urine tests and blood tests, it specializes in the hardest of all tests, which is the hair drug test.
To begin with, you will need some everyday household products to mix with Macujo products to get the best results. These ingredients include acne wash, shampoo, vinegar, liquid laundry detergent, baking soda, etc. You have to use these products along with the Macujo Aloe Rid shampoo.
There is a 7-step method to get the best results out of Macujo. This 7-step method uses all the ingredients and opens your hair follicles to reach deep within the inner part of the hair. It cleans hair follicles and strands to ensure all the THC is gone.
Quick Fix Synthetic Urine
Quick Fix Synthetic Urine
Quick Fix Synthetic Urine
Product Overview
Product Type(s): Synthetic Urine
Top Highlights:
Liquid synthetic urine
Best for urine drug tests
It passes off as real urine
Money-Back Guarantee: NA
Price: Starts from $35
Synthetic urine technology is way more advanced than people give it credit for. Synthetic urine is fake urine made like human urine chemically, even containing uric acid. Synthetic urine will help you pass any urine test requiring your urine sample.
Quick Fix is one company that sells synthetic urine that you can put in place of your urine sample to pass a urine drug test. Not many companies can manufacture synthetic urine as it involves a very complex and technical process.
The Quick Fix Synthetic Urine is toxin free and natural. You have to heat the synthetic urine before using it so that synthetic urine has the temperature of natural urine. For this purpose, the product comes with a disposable heating pad. Go through the instructions carefully and warm the synthetic urine properly to use it successfully.
TestClear Urine Simulation with Powdered Urine Kit
TestClear Urine Simulation with Powdered Urine Kit
TestClear Urine Simulation with Powdered Urine Kit
Product Overview
Product Type(s): Powdered Urine Kit
Top Highlights:
It helps make instant, real-like urine
Best for urine drug tests
It comes with great customer reviews
It contains a kit that has a heating pad and more
Money-Back Guarantee: 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Price: Starts from $49.95
TestClear is a company that offers the best THC detox methods to pass a drug test. One of their most unique THC detox supplements includes the Urine Simulation with Powdered Urine Kit. It is synthetic urine that can help you clear any urine drug test.
This powdered urine has the same chemical components as human urine, even uric acid. In this powdered urine kit, you get fake urine, a heating pad, a plastic medical vial, and a temperature strip which will verify if it is the same temperature as human urine.
As the urine comes in powdered form, you need to mix it with water and heat it using the heater. Then, you must keep an eye on the temperature strip until it indicates that the synthetic urine has reached the optimum temperature. If you follow these steps, you will pass a drug test.
How We Ranked The Best THC Detox Products?
All THC detox treatments claim that they can help you pass a drug test by eliminating THC metabolites from your system. To fairly evaluate the THC detox products above, we considered all of the following characteristics rather than only judging them based on their claims:
Moderate Benefits Reported
Manufacturers may succumb to the need to make untrue claims about their products’ abilities when promoting their goods. Even though we know that not all detox solutions are created equal, any top-quality THC detox product must meet a certain standard of efficacy. To do this, we looked for trustworthy companies with ethical and credible advertising.
Use of Natural Ingredients Backed by Science
It is not enough for a THC product to have substances that have scientific support; it also needs to have all-natural ingredients without any chemical additives. The best outcome is most likely to be achieved by products that have both of these.
There is currently little scientific evidence to support using herbal treatments to remove THC from the body. However, we selected companies whose THC detox products are made with scientifically studied substances, including vitamins, antioxidants, and fruit juices, such as cranberry juice, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, etc.
Money-back And Satisfaction Guarantee
All THC detox businesses assert that their solutions eliminate THC from your body. However, only the top THC detox firms offer a money-back guarantee to support those assertions. The greatest producers will give you peace of mind with a money-back guarantee since they are confident that their goods perform when you follow the directions. A THC detox company may not be assured of the efficacy of its medicine if they don’t provide this guarantee.
Comfort and Flexibility
Some people use futile strategies, such as drinking a lot of water, to remove THC from their bodies. Although this might be useful, it is unreliable because different body types and types of makeup exist. To do this, we selected companies that produce user-friendly THC detox solutions for all body types.
Is it simple to use the THC detox product? Do you have to adhere to detailed instructions for days on end? Is there a temperature that the synthetic urine must reach in the microwave? Or does the business make any efforts to make its products as user-friendly as possible? The top THC detox pills offer tested cleansing power and simplicity of use.
Brand Reputation and Reliability
Since 2000, the top-ranked THC detox companies on our list have been producing effective goods. They have more than 22 years of expertise using tested items to assist customers in passing exams. These producers are transparent about their ingredients’ sources and manufacturing facilities. Some have registered dietitians on staff, a medical advisory board, and other health professionals to help them develop their recipes.
We looked for reliable companies that are open and truthful about the few drawbacks customers can experience while utilizing their items. Although most manufacturers will view this negatively, transparency can win customers’ trust and loyalty for a very long time. In addition, we only picked companies that have a history of producing high-caliber goods.
Organic, FDA-approved Components
THC detox solutions must-have ingredients and dosages generally recognized as safe by law because they are supplements (GRAS). Although the FDA does not authorize supplements or THC detox treatments, they must adhere to specific FDA requirements. The best THC detox treatments are made with natural, FDA-approved components rather than synthetic ones.
Customer Reviews & Actual Success Rate
Where feasible, we thoroughly tested every THC detox product to ensure it was effective. We are aware that our testing environment is different from real-world circumstances. Because of this, we factor customer reviews and actual success rates into our rankings. Does the THC detox product function in everyday situations? Do thousands of customer reviews attest to its effectiveness? If such were the case, we moved it up the list.
Quick and Affordable Shipping
Since there’s a good chance you’ll need your detox product quickly, brands need a dependable shipping system that is quick, safe, and reasonably priced. We chose companies with low-cost delivery choices that are also quick enough to assist consumers in getting ready for urgent drug testing. The companies on our list provide free shipping in addition to other benefits.
Fair and Competitive Pricing
THC detox products are not inexpensive. Companies are aware that you’ll spend more to pass an exam. For many, it is the difference between losing their job and maintaining it—or facing other grave repercussions. However, we continued to favor THC detox solutions that offered fair, competitive pricing. It’s acceptable to charge more, but we avoided sellers who used price-gouging strategies or did so significantly.
How Do THC Detox Products Work?
THC metabolites are naturally removed from your system by THC detox products, which aid in your ability to pass THC drug tests. When you take THC, your body metabolizes it, resulting in the formation of THC. THC metabolites may linger in your body after THC and its effects have subsided.
THC drug testing checks for THC metabolites in your blood, urine, saliva, or hair. The likelihood of failing a drug test increases with the number of metabolites in your system.
THC can stay in your system for 36 hours to 90 days, depending on your degree of THC use, body weight, frequency of use, test type, and other factors. THC typically lasts 36 hours in your blood, 48 hours in your saliva, 3 to 30 days in your urine, 7 to 14 days in your sweat, and 90 days in your hair.
Blood or saliva test is the most frequently used drug test. Using the THC detox kits listed above, you could pass a blood or saliva test after a few hours or a few days of preparation.
THC and other toxins can dissolve in fat. This means that your body stores these pollutants as fat. Your body can accumulate an excessive amount of these toxins over time with heavy use. You can test positive for THC if you don’t utilize a decent THC detox product because your fat contains cannabinoids.
THC is a fat-soluble toxin; thus, heavier individuals with increased body fat percentages may require more potent THC detox products than leaner or more muscular ones.
The most common THC metabolite that is detected in drug testing is THC-cooh. Your body produces this THC-cooh as it breaks down THC. A THC drug test may be able to find levels of this metabolite even weeks after your last THC consumption, depending on the testing procedure.
The Science Behind THC Detox Kits, Drinks, Pills, and Other Products
Several THC detox products include natural, plant-based ingredients such as cranberry, aloe vera, etc., which have been scientifically proven to help cleanse THC out of the body. Below we have discussed some of these ingredients commonly found in THC detox cleanses and how they are backed by science:
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a natural detoxifier, but it can also help you get rid of the toxins stored in your body from marijuana use. Apple cider vinegar has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for many health conditions. It helps to cleanse the liver, kidneys, and colon and helps to flush out heavy metals like mercury and lead.
It’s also an effective way to detoxify the body after smoking or ingesting cannabis. The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar breaks down the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in weed into harmless byproducts, making it easier to pass through the digestive system.
A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology found that people who drank ACV before eating had lower levels of THC metabolites in their urine than those who didn’t drink ACV beforehand.
The researchers concluded that “ACV may be useful in reducing the adverse effects associated with THC consumption.”
Cranberry juice contains high amounts of vitamin C, which helps to boost your immune system and fight off infection. Cranberries have long been known to help prevent urinary tract infections, making them a great addition to any cannabis detox plan.
Cranberries contain more antioxidants than blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, and even red wine! They also contain flavonoids called proanthocyanidins, which act as powerful anti-inflammatory agents.
When you consume marijuana, some of its active ingredients will remain in your bloodstream for several hours. If you smoke or vape during the day, you could still test positive for THC when you go to bed at night.
Cranberries can remove these THC molecules from your bloodstream because they contain large amounts of tannin, which binds to the cannabinoids and carries them out of your body.
This process takes time, so you should start drinking cranberry juice about two weeks before you stop using marijuana. You can continue drinking cranberry juice daily until you feel completely clear of THC.
Lemon Juice
Lemons contain vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, and fiber. These nutrients stabilize blood pressure, improve heart function, and strengthen bones.
Lemons contain citric acid, which works as an antiseptic agent. When you eat lemons, this citric acid travels through your stomach and intestines, dissolving the fats and proteins in food.
Because of this, lemon juice can help to break down THC molecules in your body. One study found that consuming lemon juice and THC helped reduce the number of THC metabolites in your urine.
A double-blind, randomized controlled trial conducted at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine found that participants who consumed lemon juice before smoking pot were less likely to test positive for THC in their urine.
The researchers concluded: “Our findings suggest that lemon juice ingestion reduces the likelihood of cannabinoid detection in urine samples collected up to 24 h post-smoking.”
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is often used to treat sunburns and other skin conditions. It has many healing properties, including vitamins and minerals like Vitamin B12, zinc, copper, manganese, and iron.
It’s also loaded with polysaccharides, complex sugars that give aloe plants their thick, succulent leaves. Aloe vera contains aloin, which acts as a natural diuretic.
Aloe vera contains enzymes called lipases, which break down fat cells in your body. Because THC is stored inside fat cells, aloe vera can help to dissolve these fat stores and flush them out of your system.
In addition, aloe vera contains mucilage, which helps to bind water into gel form. It is similar to gelatin but doesn’t need heat to set. Instead, it forms naturally when plant sap comes into contact with air.
Mucilage is also known to help remove toxins from the body, as it was recently discovered that it might help treat people suffering from liver disease.
Zinc is essential for maintaining healthy immune systems and keeping your hair, nails, teeth, and muscles strong. Zinc deficiency can lead to poor memory, depression, and even seizures.
When you consume marijuana, THC molecules attach to zinc atoms in your brain and nervous system. As a result, THC can interfere with how your brain processes information.
If you have low levels of zinc in your body, you may experience cognitive impairment after smoking weed. A recent study published in the journal Psychopharmacology found that zinc supplementation reduced the number of THC metabolites in the urine of cannabis users.
According to the authors, “These results indicate that zinc supplementation may be effective in reducing the risk of developing adverse effects associated with chronic use of cannabis.”
THC Detox FAQs
Q: Can THC Drug Tests be Defeated?
A: Yes, even if you’ve recently used THC, you can still pass a drug test. While heavy users can employ THC detox kits to pass a drug test, a light THC user can eliminate all traces of THC from their system in as little as 2 to 4 days. So, passing a drug test is pretty straightforward if you use a few THC detox products.
Q: How do THC Drug Tests Happen?
A: A drug test looks for THC metabolites in your blood, sweat, saliva, hair, or urine, including THC-cooh, the most predominant metabolite.
Q: Which Natural Ingredients are Part of The Best THC Detox Kit?
A: Although it might not seem like it, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and cranberry juice work well in detoxing THC. People can use all these ingredients to pass a drug test successfully.
Q: How Does Apple Cider Vinegar Help in THC Detox?
A: Due to its antibacterial qualities, apple cider vinegar eliminates any hazardous germs, including THC, from your body. Many people have used ACV to pass drug tests because it removes THC buildup from hair follicles, a fantastic property of the vinegar that it doesn’t just affect the blood or urine drug tests. Therefore, apple cider vinegar is an excellent choice for people who don’t want to add to the confusion by taking medications and drinks.
Q: Can ACV Help Detox THC?
A: ACV is a natural detoxifier that can help you get rid of toxins in your body, including those from marijuana use. It’s also an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent.
If you’re thinking about quitting smoking or using cannabis for the first time, it might be worth trying to detoxify with ACV before doing so. There are many reasons why this may work:
ACV has been shown to reduce cravings for nicotine (and other substances): Apple cider vinegar is one of the most effective ways to quit smoking.
ACV helps break down nicotine into water and carbon dioxide: When you inhale, you don’t absorb any nicotine into your bloodstream.
ACV helps flush out toxins: When you drink apple cider vinegar, it breaks down some heavy metals and other toxins in your system.
ACV boosts your immune system: Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, an antibacterial and antiviral agent.
ACV reduces inflammation: The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar works as an anti-inflammatory agent. If you have arthritis, gout, fibromyalgia, or another inflammatory condition, drinking ACV could help relieve symptoms.
Q: How Does Marijuana Affect Your Body?
A: Marijuana contains hundreds of different chemicals called cannabinoids. Cannabinoids interact with specific proteins in our bodies called cannabinoid receptors. These receptors help control various processes in the body, such as inflammation, pain, hunger, and memory.
When you smoke or eat marijuana, cannabinoids bind to your brain and body receptors. This interaction triggers changes in your brain chemistry and produces the feeling of being high.
Q: What are the Effects of THC on The Brain?
A: THC can affect many parts of the brain, including the hippocampus, which controls learning and memory. It also affects the amygdala, a structure involved in emotions and stress responses. This can cause anxiety and paranoia.
Q: How Does Marijuana Affect the Heart?
A: The heart rate increases when people use marijuana because it stimulates the sympathetic nervous system. This causes blood pressure to rise and makes the heart beat faster.
In addition, THC may cause an irregular heartbeat by interfering with the electrical activity of the heart muscle cells.
Q: How Does Marijuana Impact the Lungs?
A: Smoking marijuana can damage lung tissue. People who smoke marijuana regularly have more respiratory problems than those who don’t smoke at all.
Inhaling marijuana smoke irritates the lungs and damages the air sacs in the lungs. As a result, breathing becomes more challenging and takes longer. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Pharmacology found that smoking marijuana reduces the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream.
Q: How Does Marijuana Change Mood?
A: Marijuana alters mood by changing neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin levels. Dopamine helps regulate movement and motivation, while serotonin regulates sleep and appetite.
People who use marijuana tend to feel happier, calmer, and less anxious. They also report having fewer negative thoughts. However, some studies suggest long-term marijuana use may be associated with depression and anxiety disorders.
Q: What Is Fake Urine Made Of?
A: Synthetic urine combines corn syrup, sugar, sodium bicarbonate, and citric acid. These chemicals react together to create a chemical reaction that mimics human urine.
When you add these chemicals to your urine sample, it will look like real urine.
Q: Why Do People Use Synthetic Urine?
A: People who use synthetic urine often do so for two reasons:
To avoid getting caught while using drugs: This is especially true if you’re going through rehab or jail. A person who uses synthetic urine can pass a urine test without going to the bathroom.
To hide their drug use: Some people use synthetic urine to conceal their drug use. They’ll mix the urine with alcohol or coffee to make it appear more diluted.
Q: Can A Hair Follicle Test Detect Marijuana?
A: A hair follicle test detects THC; however, several factors affect how accurate this test is. For example, the time between when you smoked weed and when you had your hair tested affects whether the results show up.
Also, the type of marijuana used matters. Some strains of marijuana contain higher amounts of THC than others. Finally, the method of ingestion—smoking versus eating—also affects the accuracy of the test.
Q: Which Is More Harmful – Smoking THC or Ingesting It?
A: Smoking THC is much worse for your body than ingesting it. When ingested, THC enters your bloodstream quickly. It doesn’t stay in your system long enough to cause harm.
However, when you smoke weed, THC stays in your lungs longer. This allows it to enter your bloodstream and circulate throughout your entire body.
In addition, inhaling THC causes your brain to release dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that makes you feel happy. So, when you smoke weed regularly, you may experience feelings of happiness.
Final Verdict on The Best THC Detox Products of 2022
Whether you keep or lose your work may depend on passing a drug test. It might also play a role when looking for your ideal employment. Therefore, if you use marijuana frequently, getting one of the top THC detox pills we evaluated above would be beneficial.
Depending on the exam you’re getting ready for, you can get rid of THC from your body within a few hours or days with the correct product and pass a drug test. You can also find other strategies that complement each other and help you pass the drug test.
Affiliate Disclosure:
The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team. Please know we only recommend high-quality products.
Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely substitutes for sound medical or financial advice from a licensed healthcare provider or certified financial advisor. Make sure to consult with a professional physician or financial consultant before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed as the statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA, or Health Canada approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and do not provide any kind of get-rich money scheme. Reviewer is not responsible for pricing inaccuracies. Check product sales page for final prices.
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