Kementan: Kunyit dan Temulawak Bisa Tingkatkan Imun

KACARANEWS.COM, – Kepala Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat (Balittro) Kementerian Pertanian, Evi Savitri Iriani menyampaikan bahwa tanaman jahe, kunyit dan temulawak adalah tanaman rempah yang mengandung partikel kekebalan tubuh. Menurut dia, baik temulawak maupun jahe mengandung senyawa kurkumin dan gingerol yang sangat aman dikonsumsi masyarakat.

“Herbal khususnya kunyit dan temulawak mengandung kurkumin. Sementara jahe mengandung gingerol yang bisa meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh bila diminum secara rutin,” ujar Evi, Kamis, 19 Maret 2020.

Meski demikian, kata Evi, masyarakat sebaiknya mampu membedakan antara produk obat dan tanaman rempah. Produk obat, menurut dia adalah tanaman yang sudah diolah menjadi ramuan dan obat di Kementerian Kesehatan. Sedangkan rempah adalah jenis tanaman yang bisa membantu meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh.

“Kalau di kita (Kementan) belum bisa sampai ke produksi obat karena kita tidak punya wewenang untuk uji klinis yang harus dilakukan dokter,” katanya.

Untuk meningkatkan kebugaran tubuh, lanjut Evi, masyarakat dianjurkan meminum ramuan rempah dan serbuk olahan ini sekali dalam sehari. Pola hidup sehat tersebut bisa dilakukan dengan cara sederhana, yakni merebus bahan rempah dengan air mendidih.

“Atau bisa juga menggeprek bahan rempah lalu menyiramnya dengan air panas. Bisa juga minum yang instan, walapun biasanya sudah ada gulanya, jadi jangan kebanyakan karena nanti malah kadar gula meningkat. Kalau yang sudah berupa kapsul ikuti saja aturan pakai di kemasan,” katanya.

Sejauh ini, lanjut Evi, Balittro sudah menghasilkan beberapa varitas rempah unggul serta menyediakan benih dan budidaya untuk kebutuhan tanaman rampah dan obat. “Kita sudah menghasilkan varitas jahe merah, jahe emprit, kunyit, temulawak, kencur, pala, lada, cengkeh dan kayumanis,” katanya.

Kasubdit Tanaman Obat Ditjen Hortikultura Kementan, Wiwi Sutiwi mengatakan bahwa konsumsi rempah tahun ini cendrung meningkat, karena banyak masyarakat yang mulai sadar akan pentingnya kebugaran tubuh melalui konsumsi produk pertanian.

“Terutama setelah adanya kasus penularan covid 19 yang membuat masyarakat menyadari pentingnya produk pertanian untuk kesehatan. Bahkan akhir-akhir ini konsumsi jahe dan rempah cendrung meningkat tajam,” katanya.

Berkaitan dengan ini, kata Wiwi, pemerintah akan mengimbangi peningkatan tersebut dengan pengembangan kawasan tanaman rempah dan obat di sejumlah wilayah seperti Provinsi Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Sulawesi Selatan dan Sulawesi Barat.

“Untuk mengimbangi angka konsumsi, kita akan mengembangkan kawasan jahe, merah, jahe gajah, jahe emprit dan rempah lainya di sejumlah daerah. Produksi rempah harus meningkat dari angka tahun 2019 yang hanya 173.888 ton,” tutupnya.

861 tanggapan pada “Kementan: Kunyit dan Temulawak Bisa Tingkatkan Imun”

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    Companies operating in each province are regulated by Health Canada and have been authorized to participate in business activities such as cultivating, analytical testing, processing, packaging and/or selling cannabis products under the Cannabis Act. In the community, George’s primary advocacy has been related to HIV / AIDs, where George first encountered the benefits of medicinal cannabis in the 1990s. Note: federal and provincial prohibitions are in place that restrict promotional activities. For more information, consult B.C.’s Handbook for the Marketing of Non-Medical Cannabis and the federal government’s fact sheet. Find strains by Rating, Producer, THC/CBD %, Price, and more Your counsellor will continuously help and support you along your cannabis journey. You will receive a digital “Welcome Book – Cannabis Guide” after your appointment which has all the information you need. Canadian Cannabis Clinic counsellors are on hand to help in between appointments as well. They can be reached either by phone, email or video call.

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    Elsewhere there could be a repeat of the 1973 FA Cup final if Sunderland make it past Fulham, the winner playing Leeds United. Our Football newsletter: news, views and previews of this week’s games on TV Barcelona are set to be without captain Sergio Busquets for the Europa League clash against Manchester United next week. Last season, United thumped Leeds 6-2 at Old Trafford before drawing the Elland Road fixture 0-0. Bet responsibly FC United have slipped to ninth place in the Pitching In Northern Premier League, but are still within three points of the play-offs, after suffering a narrow 1-0 defeat at promotion rivals Matlock Town on Saturday afternoon. However, with Man City fighting tooth and nail to stay within touching distance of top-flight leaders Arsenal, this game will it’s hard to give United many chances in this match-up. We’re still predicting a draw, although don’t be surprised if United do a repeat of their heist against Liverpool and pick up a win here.

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  77. Further, when you start reading the good material as soon as you get the assignment, you have more points to think about. It is essential to have a solid understanding of whatever you read in order to write an effective essay. It will help develop your ideas and arguments on the philosophical topic. Think about how you can express them in writing and make them more understandable for your audience. It is important to start by describing where you want to end. In other words, what are your objectives as a teacher? The rest of your philosophy statement should support these objectives which should be achievable and relevant to your teaching responsibilities; avoid vague or overly grandiose statements. On the other hand, you will want to demonstrate that you strive for more than mediocrity or only nuts-and-bolts transference of facts.
    Stories are the most popular elements that can be added by writers, and research papers are no exceptions. A story adds personality and breathes life into an otherwise not-so-interesting and monotonous research paper.  If your topic is too broad, your research paper is unlikely to be successful because it will look like a general overview. You should narrow your topic down to a certain aspect, concept or idea and make it specific and manageable. For example, if your topic is “Global Warming”, you should narrow it to “Causes of Global Warming”, “Impact of Global Warming on Human Health” or something like that. Examples of thesis statements from Purdue OWL. . . After you have spent some time finding your sources and absorbing the information, you should then be able to come up with a thesis statement that tells the reader how you will interpret the significance of the subject matter. This statement is a road map for the research paper, telling the reader what to expect. It usually consists of a single sentence somewhere in your first paragraph and makes a claim that others might later dispute!

  78. Here are 5 of the best dating sites for 30s that cater to different needs and wishes. We, and our partners, use technologies to process personal information, including IP addresses, pseudonymous identifiers associated with cookies, and in some cases mobile ad IDs. This information is processed to personalize content based on your interests, run and optimize marketing campaigns, measure the performance of ads and content, and derive insights about the audiences who engage with ads and content. This data is an integral part of how we operate our site, make revenue to support our staff, and generate relevant content for our audience. You can learn more about our data collection and use practices in our Privacy Policy. I knew I had to include Ship on this list of the best dating apps for your 30s, because unlike most other options, Ship requires the cooperation of your friends—they’re the ones doing the swiping for you! My friend Jessie and I made profiles for each other last year and had a blast sending each other potential matches. You set up your profile, get matched to other users that your friends like, and then get to chatting!
    Pros: Parship is a great dating site, which uses a pretty complex test to analyse your personality traits when you first sign up. Sounds complicated, but it really does mean you’ll be able to start chatting to like-minded people more quickly. Prices start from £14.90 a month, and it’s great for finding long-term relationships with other professional people. Most members on the site have fairly similar incomes and education levels, and there’s a specific gay version of Parship for those looking for a committed and long-term same-sex partner. R4R stands for Redditor for Redditor. While the subreddit is mostly used for online dating purposes, some people are looking for friends and cyber-buddies that share their interests. It’s pretty easy to filter by location and gender.

  79. Here are some of our favorite games on Steam to play online with friends when you just want have some good old-fashioned fun. The premise of Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime is fitting for couples: you and your partner must communicate to navigate your shared ship, and each player must perform equally important duties to make it through successfully. We recommend going into the game blind if possible, as it forces you both to learn the mechanics and to get your “space legs” simultaneously. Letting go of total individual control means that circumstances can get hectic, but navigating the ship, both inside and out, rarely feels unintuitive. This is a refreshing change of pace from the many co-op games that lean more heavily into our competitive natures—and a delightful way to spend quality time working together.
    Minecraft is one of the most popular games ever. It’s popular with grown-ups, kids, and everybody between. Players start out in a blank world and they mine stuff as well as craft stuff. You can set younger kids in creative mode where they don’t need to worry about anything. Newer kids may find survival mode more satisfying. No matter how you swing it, kids love this game. In fact, I keep it installed on my Xbox for when friends come over with kids because they literally all play this game. It runs a bit expensive at $6.99, but the extra in-app purchases are for customizable skins and don’t affect the game at all. Apryl Duncan is a stay-at-home mom and internationally-published writer with years of experience providing advice to others like her. Coloring Pages These games help students learn attention to detail, process repetition, and simulate what it would be like to serve orders out of the kitchen or work as a waiter. The Open Restaurant and Penguin Cafe games are particularly compelling for showing how much stress servers go through as they try to balance customer demands. Coffee Shop is a terriffic game for teaching about entrepreneurship and running a business, putting players in control of pricing, formula, inventory management, and cashflow management.

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    Visitors can bookmark this page or choose Online Gambling News from the menu on any news page. It’s one of our most popular pages and the most visited “niche” page following Gaming Industry News. Legal online gambling lacks the momentum of sports betting at present, but proponents are slowly advancing the cause across the nation. Every state that legalizes online casinos increases the likelihood of additional states following suit, especially as online gambling revenue continues to defy all expectations. Our 2023 online casino tracker is updated as new casinos launch and is organized by location. The casinos listed below recently launched in one or more newly-regulated states or have plans to launch soon. This list is updated on the first of each month. The newest online casino in the US is PlayStar, which launched Oct. 2022. We don’t expect to see any new casinos for the month of December.

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