Pimpinan Unhas Ikut Vaksinasi Massal

KATACARA, MAKASSAR— Jajaran pimpinan di lingkungan Universitas Hasanuddin mengikuti kegiatan vaksinasi massal yang berlangsung di GOR JK Arenatorium, Kampus Unhas, Tamalanrea. Adapun jajaran pimpinan yang mengikuti vaksinasi adalah dekan dari fakultas rumpun medikal kompleks, dimana dosen dan mahasiswanya terlibat dalam pelayanan medis dan tenaga kesehatan.

Vaksinasi yang merupakan kolaborasi beberapa pihak bersama FK Unhas ini berlangsung mulai pukul 10.00 Wita, Selasa (02/02).

Dekan Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat (FKM) Unhas Dr. Aminuddin Syam, SKM, M.Kes., M.Med.Ed., yang juga mengikuti vaksinasi menuturkan bahwa proses ini menjadi penting sebagai langkah protektif untuk melindungi masyarakat dari penularan Covid-19. Menurutnya, vaksinasi adalah bagian dari proteksi tinggi bagi masyarakat yang sehat.

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“Bagi saya ini sangat penting, apalagi saya dengan latar belakang kesehatan masyarakat yang ingin menunjukkan bahwa vaksin itu aman. Jadi, tidak boleh ragu untuk divaksin, karena ini menjadi bagian dari kita untuk sehat dan melindungi keluarga serta orang sekitar,” jelas Dr. Aminuddin.

Hal serupa juga disampaikan oleh Dekan Fakultas Keperawatan Unhas, Dr. Ariyanti Saleh, S.Kp., M.Si. Usai mengikuti vaksinasi, beliau menyampaikan ini adalah upaya melindungi diri dan orang lain dari sebaran Covid-19. Dirinya menuturkan, dosen Fakultas Keperawatan Unhas yang juga tenaga kesehatan akan mengikuti proses vaksinasi massal ini.

“Mudah-mudahan semua bersegera untuk divaksin. Kami juga sudah mendaftarkan dosen untuk mengikuti vaksinasi ini. Mengingat dosen kami merupakan presektor di klinik. Tidak hanya itu, mahasiswa profesi juga kami sudah daftarkan,” jelas Dr. Ariyanti.

Sebelum mengikuti vaksinasi, pimpinan Unhas dari rumpun medikal kompleks ini melalui pula skrining. Jika memenuhi syarat, maka dilanjutkan dengan vaksinasi. Jajaran pimpinan Unhas yang mengikuti proses vaksin yakni Dekan FKM, Dekan Keperawatan, dan Dekan Farmasi.(*/mir)

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    Psilocybin MushroomsMushrooms are another psychedelic with a long history of use in health and healing ceremonies, particularly in the Eastern world. People tripping on ‘shrooms will experience vivid hallucinations within an hour of ingestion, thanks to the body’s breakdown psilocybin, the naturally-occurring psychedelic ingredient found in more than 200 species of mushrooms. More than one-third of the volunteers said that their encounter with psilocybin was the single most spiritually significant experience in their lifetimes – no person given Ritalin said the same. Experts say the study is the most rigorous study of psilocybin’s potential to elicit spiritual feelings because it is the first to use an active control. Here’s how you know It should be noted that the ingestion of magic mushrooms, with multiple compounds present, will likely produce a different effect to the ingestion of a single, isolated compound, like pure psilocybin . This is due to a difference between the pharmacology of whole magic mushrooms and a single, isolated pure compound . This also suggests a synergism of multiple compounds in the mushroom.

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  26. Medical marijuana, adult useOperator: Green Thumb IndustriesAdult use hours: M 9 a.m. – 7 p.m.T-Sat. 9 a.m. – 10 p.m.Sun. 10 a.m. 9 p.m.Medical marijuana hours: M 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. / 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.T-Sat. 7 a.m. – 10 p.m.Sun. 7 a.m. – 9 p.m.Address: 196 3rd Ave., Suite 3C, Paterson, NJ 07514Phone: (973) 440-2717 To apply for an ID card, qualifying patients must first obtain a physician certification stating that the person suffers from one of the qualifying medical problems that allow access to medical cannabis under Amendment 2. The City is responsible for: Democratic Republic of the Congo Republicans are more wary than Democrats about legalizing marijuana for recreational use: 45% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents favor legalizing marijuana for both medical and recreational use, while an additional 39% say it should only be legal for medical use. By comparison, 73% of Democrats and Democratic leaners say marijuana should be legal for both medical and recreational use; an additional 21% say it should be legal for medical use only.
    Our French Toast #1 flower is packaged in amber glass jars that protect your bud and are sealed for freshness with a humidity pack included. Spiritleaf Selects stands for quality and authenticity, and this strain is no exception. Our French Toast #1 flower is packaged in amber glass jars that protect your bud and are sealed for freshness with a humidity pack included. Spiritleaf Selects stands for quality and authenticity, and this strain is no exception. Most people reading government educational material will soon find out that adults can carry maximum 30 grams of recreational dried cannabis in public. But did you know that a seed is deemed to be equivalent to a gram? If it’s a cannabis concentrate, the maximum amount is 7.5 grams. Pot brownies? Make sure that tray doesn’t weigh more than 450 grams. Don’t know what 450 grams of brownies looks like? We didn’t either. It’s just less than a pound – so this might help. And as with much of this stuff, this is about recreational cannabis – medical marijuana is a whole different question.

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  30. *Please note that as of July 31, 2022, the name of the Senate Committee on National Security and Defence was changed to the Senate Committee on National Security, Defence and Veterans Affairs. More information about this change can be found here. The Government of Canada has committed close to $46 million over the next five years for cannabis public education and awareness activities. These are to inform Canadians, especially youth, of the health and safety risks of cannabis consumption. Cannabis offences target those acting outside of the legal framework, such as organized crime. Penalties are set in proportion to the seriousness of the offence. Sanctions range from warnings and tickets for minor offences to criminal prosecution and imprisonment for more serious offences. Some offences specifically target people who make cannabis available to youth.
    Tenancy agreements that include “no smoking” rules will include cannabis. The landlord and tenant can agree in writing if the “no smoking” rule does not include cannabis. All businesses in Calgary require their site to have the appropriate land use allowing for the proposed business to operate. Each space in a building has its own specified, approved use that cannot be changed without a development permit. Cannabis-related businesses can only operate within specific land uses. The application form for cannabis retail stores and cannabis production facilities is available here. Once the form has been completed, it can be mailed to our office with a cheque or it can be submitted by e-mail, and one of our staff will arrange to receive the license fee payment. Both mailing information and the Business License Program e-mail address are available on the second page of the application form.

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    Alex Pereira is one of the few men to ever defeat Israel Adesanya in a fight, but the stakes are much higher when the old rivals meet Saturday in the main event of UFC 281 from Madison Square Garden. Adesanya, the middleweight champion, will make the sixth defense of his title against the No. 4-ranked Pereira on the back end of a title-fight doubleheader to close the pay-per-view main card (10 p.m. ET) from New York City. Both combatants were professional kickboxers before transitioning to mixed martial arts. Pereira twice defeated Adesanya, including once by knockout, and has ascended the ranks of the UFC for his first title shot against his longtime foe. Elsewhere on the UFC 271 odds for the weekend, Derrick Lewis looks to build on his UFC record for most knockout wins when he battles fellow heavyweight Tai Tuivasa as -186 chalk. Lewis needed just 3:36 to claim a record-smashing 13th career KO in his last outing against Chris Daukaus at UFC Vegas 45, and has finished opponents inside three rounds in each of his three most recent wins.

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  36. Also, in case it wasn’t clear, a hand only qualifies for its highest rank. For example, a Royal Flush is also a straight flush, flush, and straight but is only considered to be a Royal Flush. Four cards of the same rank – such as four queens. The fifth card can be anything. This combination is sometimes known as “quads”, and in some parts of Europe it is called a “poker”, though this term for it is unknown in English. Between two fours of a kind, the one with the higher set of four cards is higher – so 3-3-3-3-A is beaten by 4-4-4-4-2. In Texas Hold’em, if the board shows “quads”, then the player with the higher fifth card is the winner. 403. Forbidden.
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  49. They have already released Super Bowl 57 odds on a few key markets, but most of the props should be published by the end of the week. That will give you 10 days to weigh up your options and make your plays. If you are wondering where to bet on Super Bowl 57 odds, you can keep reading to learn more about the top four sportsbooks. If you or someone you know has a gambling problem and wants help, call 1-800-Gambler or visit FanDuel.com/RG. Schauffele won in his first showing at Eat Lake in 2017 and he did well in 2018. He further won the Olympics in Tokyo this year, posting him as an excellent player in the long term and shaping his prospects for a title in the 2021 Tour Championship a little better. Carl Cheffers, an NFL official since 2000, will be the referee for Super Bowl LVII. The Whittier native has refereed two Super Bowls, the first in 2017 when Tom Brady and the New England Patriots defeated the Atlanta Falcons in overtime of Super Bowl LI. His last Super Bowl assignment was in 2021 when the Brady and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers defeated the Kansas City Chiefs.
    The Eagles out-gained the Vikings, 486-284, on 10 drives apiece. They possessed the football for more than 36 minutes. Jalen Hurts was nearly perfect. A maligned defensive unit got after Kirk Cousins and forced three interceptions, two by Darius Slay. The game felt over by the third quarter, even if the offense slowed down a bit late in the game. The days of relying solely on Las Vegas for Super Bowl Odds is officially over with the launch of legal sports betting in the United States. Online sportsbooks and mobile betting apps are growing at a rapid base lead by DraftKings Sportsbook, FanDuel and other legal platforms. Legally betting on the Super Bowl online can now happen in Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Ilinois, Indiana, Michigan, Virginia, West Virginia, Tennessee and many other states, with more added all the time.

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    Different levels of volatility will make slots more or less suitable for different gambling styles. Slots with low volatility pay out more often but award smaller prizes. They will produce a minimal variance in your bankroll. Slots with high volatility will award larger payouts, but it will take lots of losing spins to hit those high-paying winners. They will produce many ups and downs over the short term as you play. With their bright colorful reels, life-like animations and engaging sound effects, slot machines are a form of casino magic. Even though the themes and stories behind online slots may be mysterious, understanding how slot machines work shouldn’t be. Join us as we demystify the world of slots and answer all those burning questions about these popular casino games. A slot game’s volatility correlates to variance and indicates how often games trigger prizes with the spins it makes. It also hints at what you can win whenever you place a stake. There are several levels of volatility, and among them are high volatility games which are more known for their ability to grant bigger jackpot prizes when you win. 

  51. We are an unofficial website and are in no way affiliated with or connected to Manchester United Football Club. This site is intended for use by people over the age of 18 years old. It is officially official, as Wesley Fofana has signed for Chelsea in a transfer fee which is said to be around $80 million. Fofana, 21, has signed a seven-year deal at Chelsea and this signing is a huge boost for Thomas Tuchel, who saw his side lose 2-1 at Southampton on Tuesday. The arrival of Fofana takes Chelsea’s spending to over $290 million this summer, as he joins Raheem Sterling, Kalidou Koulibaly and Marc Cucurella in signing for the Blues. Fofana will add class to Chelsea’s defense and is likely to line up alongside Thiago Silva and Koulibaly. His ability to bring the ball out of the back and start attacks will be crucial to getting Chelsea on the front foot in Tuchel’s preferred 3-4-2-1 system. (JPW)
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  53. Similar to Chess With Friends, Words With Friends is a very popular Multiplayer Puzzle game. It allows the user to connect with friends via Facebook and send a direct invitation through text message. In this game, the player has to collect different letters to make words. Each game in the series can only be played in online co-op, and you’re going to have to communicate with your partner if you want to succeed. You’ll often both be in different locations, for example, and so you may only have one half of a puzzle solution, with your partner holding valuable information. An in-game walkie-talkie ties the series together and so you’re going to have to frequently speak into it, with a microphone set up so you can talk through solutions with your partner. Want to check out another co-op game? Read my BFF or Die review. If you enjoy this content, consider supporting it via my Creator Store or Kofi page!
    This one is pretty straightforward, we know that as elementals Fireboy can only go on fire and Watergirl can only go in water, but what about the green lake? Both Fireboy and Watergirl have to avoid the green lake. Remember that if one of the characters die you have to restart. You can play this cool game together with your friend at the same time, from the same computer. Jump, run and balance your characters’ abilities to reach the exit doors in record time. Make sure to avoid all the traps and obstacles in your way. In the free game Fireboy and Watergirl online, you have to finish the level with both of them still in the game. All it takes is one wrong step and all your puzzling and planning will have been for naught. Both characters rely on your help to escape the forest temple unharmed.

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