Kemendikbud dan Plan Indonesia Dorong Pendidikan Setara

KACARANEWS.COM, JAKARTA, 18 Juni 2020 – Sebagai wujud peningkatan layanan pendidikan yang efektif selama masa pandemik Coronavirus disease (Covid-19), Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan berkolaborasi dengan Yayasan Plan International Indonesia (Plan Indonesia) memberikan ruang kepada sekitar 50 murid dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia untuk bercengkerama langsung bersama Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Mendikbud) Nadiem Anwar Makarim.

Pertemuan Mendikbud dan 50 murid berlangsung secara dalam jaringan (daring). Para murid yang terlibat berasal dari wilayah terpencil, kepulauan, daerah tertinggal, serta murid dengan disabilitas. Mereka memberikan masukan tentang proses pembelajaran selama masa pandemik Covid-19.

Mendikbud mengapresiasi kegiatan dengar pendapat oleh Plan Indonesia karena berarti mewujudkan semangat gotong royong membangun pendidikan dalam menghadapi pandemik. “Saya senang dapat berdialog serta mendengar cerita dan gagasan kreatif dari adik-adik murid. Upaya ini terus mendorong kami untuk mewujudkan akses pendidikan yang setara, tidak hanya terkait infrastruktur, tetapi juga kesempatan untuk seluruh murid di Indonesia,” ujar Mendikbud.

Pandemik memberikan dampak yang berbeda bagi orang dewasa dan anak-anak. Anak-anak terdampak secara langsung dan tidak langsung akibat perubahan lingkungan dan disrupsi di beragam sektor termasuk dalam sistem pendidikan, sistem layanan perlindungan anak, kehidupan ekonomi keluarga, intensitas pengasuhan, serta perubahan interaksi sosial masyarakat.
Beberapa isu dan rekomendasi yang disampaikan para murid antara lain tantangan pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ) yang belum ramah anak dan inklusif; infrastruktur dan akses teknologi yang belum merata seperti internet, listrik termasuk alat komunikasi seluler, komputer, TV dan radio.

Selain itu, alokasi dana BOS dinilai belum efektif menjangkau siswa dan mahasiwa dalam PJJ, dukungan dan pendampingan orang tua serta guru yang belum maksimal, tugas yang terlalu berat tanpa bimbingan guru, termasuk beban ganda di rumah, khususnya bagi anak perempuan. Di wilayah pedalaman, PJJ juga dinilai kurang maksimal khususnya untuk daerah yang tidak terjangkau listrik dan internet dengan fasilitas pendidikan, jumlah dan kapasitas tenaga pendidik yang sangat terbatas.

Direktur Eksekutif Plan Indonesia Dini Widiastuti mengatakan PJJ berpotensi mendapatkan memberikan peran ganda bagi si anak, terutama anak perempuan, karena mesti mengerjakan tugas sekolah sekaligus pekerjaan rumah tangga. “Beban tugas anak yang terlalu banyak dengan format pengumpulan tugas yang beragam membebani anak serta orang tua yang mengawasi selama belajar dari Rumah, dan beban ganda ini dapat menganggu kondisi psikologi anak dan orang tua,” ujar Dini.

Kemendikbud mendata, pandemik Covid-19 pada sektor pendidikan dirasakan oleh 3.145.330 guru dan 56.168.760 murid sekolah di Indonesia, termasuk jenjang Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) hingga SMA/K/Sederajat, serta pendidikan tinggi, pendidikan keagamaan, pesantren, pendidikan masyarakat dan pendidikan pelatihan.

Dalam upaya mendukung program pemerintah, Plan Indonesia telah melakukan tanggap darurat dengan memastikan perlindungan hak anak di masa pandemik, khususnya anak perempuan, anak penyandang disabilitas, anak dalam keluarga ekonomi lemah, dan anak di wilayah terpencil yang sulit akses logistik dan infrastruktur. Wilayah tanggap Covid-19 dari Plan Indonesia yaitu Nusa Tenggara Timur di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan, Nagekeo, Lembata, Belu, Malaka, Manggarai, Nusa Tenggara Barat di Lombok Barat, Lombok Utara dan Mataram, Sumbawa, DKI Jakarta di 18 kelurahan dan Jawa Tengah.

Hingga saat ini tercatat lebih dari 400.000 anak dan orang dewasa sebagai penerima manfaat langsung tanggap darurat Plan Indonesia dalam bentuk penyediaan air bersih dan alat kebersihan, kegiatan promosi kebersihan, perlindungan anak dan memastikan akses pendidikan untuk anak-anak di daerah terpencil. Plan Indonesia berupaya menyediakan ruang aman bagi anak dan kaum muda terutama perempuan untuk menyuarakan tantangan yang dihadapi selama masa pandemik serta gagasan dan aspirasi mereka.

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  15. What’s everyone talking about?:Sign up for our trending newsletter to get the latest news of the day The devastating consequence is that the unregulated cannabis market continues to thrive as a substitute. Legal cannabis is expensive, relatively undifferentiated, and available only where demand justifies its significant set-up costs. Illicit cannabis is particularly attractive to price-sensitive consumers in locations where access to legal cannabis is limited. These consumers tend to be young, have less disposable income, and reside in under-resourced neighborhoods. While Canada is one of the first countries to legalize recreational cannabis at a national level, it will not be the last. As many as 33 American states and several European countries, including Italy, Portugal and the Czech Republic, are looking to legalize recreational cannabis. That means Canada’s experience serves as a lesson to other countries as this newly emerging retail sector takes flight. Air Canada makes it clear that “you alone will be responsible for the consequences” if you are refused entry for possession of cannabis. This is true even if you had no intention of entering the country. So, your travel insurance provider isn’t responsible, and neither is the airline you fly. Unfortunately, that’s simply the risk of flying with cannabis — regardless of whether it’s recreational or medicinal. More and more countries allow the purchase and consumption of cannabis. Between those who have fully legalized it, those who are content to decriminalize it and those who barely tolerate CBD; sorting out is not always easy. At time start to travel, an essential question arises: is it possible to fly with cannabis ? As usual in the sector, the same answer tirelessly points the tip of his nose: it depends. The team of screens the different possible scenarios and advises you on how to arrive at the control before boarding calmly.

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  23. The committee did not identify any good-quality primary literature that reported on medical cannabis as an effective treatment to improve sleep outcomes and that were published subsequent to the data collection period of the most recently published good- or fair-quality systematic review addressing the research question.       (i)  cannabis within the meaning of the Cannabis Control and Licensing Act whether or not the cannabis is medical cannabis within the meaning of that Act; The use of medical marijuana may involve one or both of these cannabinoids and may be given in pill, cream or other forms. Research into the uses of medical marijuana is ongoing, although the labeling of marijuana as an illegal drug has greatly limited its research possibilities. There are currently 3 FDA-approved cannabinoid medications available in the U.S. Two of them have been specifically indicated for use in cancer patients. More studies are needed to fully understand their potential benefits to improve symptoms and quality of life for individuals living with cancer. Our knowledge will continue to change. In the Cannabis Act, “distribute” is generally defined as “administering, giving, transferring, transporting, sending, delivering, providing or otherwise making available in any manner, whether directly or indirectly, and offering to distribute.” The Act also specifies that distribution differs depending on the practice setting. For example, in public settings such as in the community or home care, nurses providing assistance may not transport, send or deliver cannabis. If you’re seeking some joie de vivre this summer, put the province of Quebec on your travel list. Foodies, history buffs, motorists and outdoor adventurers are… You will only be able to use it in: Bettridge: Regardless of the legalization of cannabis in Canada, you still cannot travel across international borders with marijuana, even if it you are traveling to a U.S. state that allows for some form of legalized use or possession. This applies to cannabis or any product containing cannabis or even if the intended use is for medical purposes. Those who do can face serious criminal penalties, such as fines or even jail time, even if unintentional.

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