Aksi Peduli Generasi Anti Stunting Tahun 2045

KATACARA, JAKARTA- Corona telah menyebabkan banyak orang kehilangan pekerjaan, yang berdampak pada meningkatnya angka pengangguran dan jumlah orang miskin. Karena miskin, maka asupan gizi berkurang. Sementara gegara Corona, orang diminta untuk banyak bekerja atau berkegiatan di rumah saja. Kurang pekerjaan atau kegiatan di rumah bisa berdampak pada meningkatnya jumlah kelahiran. (Selasa, 17/11)

Kekurangan gizi diketahui menyebabkan lahirnya bayi stunting atau gagal tumbuh alias kerdil. Bisa diantisipasi anak yang lahir stunting tahun 2020 akan memasuki usia angkatan kerja pada tahun 2045, ketika Indonesia merayakan pesta emas berusia 100 tahun. Jadi, akan tampil generasi angkatan kerja stunting tahun 2045.

Oleh karena itu, mulai sekarang penciptaan lapangan kerja perlu digalakkan. Demikian juga program Keluarga Berencana (KB).

Angka stunting di Indonesia tinggi.Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) telah menempatkan Indonesia sebagai negara ketiga dengan angka prevalensi stunting tertinggi di Asia pada 2018, setelah Timor Leste (50,5%) dan India (38,4%), yaitu sebesar 36,4%.

Sementara itu, menurut Pusat Data dan Informasi Kemenkes tahun 2018, angka prevalensi stunting di Indonesia masih di atas 20%. Artinya, belum mencapai target WHO di bawah 20%. Upaya mengatasi stunting di Indonesia sebenarnya cukup baik. Menurut data Susenas, pada tahun 2013, prevalensi balita stunting nasional Indonesia berada di angka 30,8% dan mampu diturunkan menjadi 27,67% pada tahun 2019. Akan tetapi, terjadinya wabah pandemi sejak Maret 2020, diperkirakan akan memperbesar prevalensi balita stunting di Indonesia.

Sampai tahun 2019, masih terdapat beberapa propinsi di Indonesia yang memiliki angka prevalensi stunting melebihi angka nasional 27,67%. Propinsi tersebut adalah: Kalbar, Kalteng, Kalsel, NTB, NTT, Sulsel, Sultra, Sulteng, Sulbar, Gorontalo, Maluku, Papua Barat dan Papua. Sementara itu, ada dua propinsi dengan angka prevalensi stunting paling rendah, yaitu Bali 19,7% dan DKI Jakarta 20,1%. Propinsi lain memiliki angka prevalensi di atas DKI Jakarta dan di bawah prevalensi nasional (Kemenkes, 2019).

Smeru Riset Institute memprediksi kenaikan jumlah penduduk miskin Indonesia akibat corona, dengan skema terburuk adalah dari 9,2% pada tahun 2019 menjadi 12,4% pada akhir tahun 2020, atau dari 24,8 juta jiwa menjadi 33,2 juta jiwa. Jumlah tersebut turut dipengaruhi oleh bertambahnya jumlah pengangguran. Badan Pusat Statistik menjelaskan bahwa pada Februari 2019 terjadi peningkatan pengangguran lulusan diploma sebanyak 8,5% dan lulusan Universitas sebanyak 25%.

Mengarusutamakan kaum perempuan.
Mengantisipasi lahirnya generasi stunting, Dompet Dhuafa (DD) menginisiasi program APDC (Aksi Peduli Dampak Corona) yang, mengutamakan program padat karya dan mengarusutamakan kaum perempuan sebagai penerima manfaat pertama hasil program padat karya. Kaum ibu di banyak negara berkembang adalah penanggungjawab utama ekonomi keluarga miskin dan penyanggah beban terberat jika terjadi bencana. Program padat karya DD sekaligus menjadi bagian dari program pengelolaan stunting.

APDC merupakan bentuk nyata filantropeneur, aksi filantropi yang dikelola sebagai usaha sosial, di masa pandemi demi ketahanan ekonomi skala keluarga. Aktivitas program APDC mencakup bidang ekonomi, kesehatan, pendidikan, budaya dan iman takwa (dakwah).

Berkolaborasi dengan RRI, DD pada 17 September 2020 meluncurkan APDC sebagai upaya lanjutan penanganan respon Covid-19 di Indonesia. Program DD ini tersebar di berbagai propinsi, yaitu: Aceh, Sumatera Utara, Sumatera Selatan, Riau, DKI Jakarta, Banten, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Tengah, NTT, NTB dan Papua.

Pada sektor ekonomi, DD menginisiasi beberapa aktivitas, termasuk program ketahanan pangan berbasis keluarga maupun komunitas. Ketahanan pangan berbasis keluarga seperti budidaya ikan lele budikolbu (budidaya kolam buatan), dan sayur dalam ember (budikdamber), kebun pangan keluarga, bantuan modal usaha mikro perorangan dan bantuan pangan yang memprioritaskan untuk lanjut usia, serta disabilitas atau mereka yang tidak mampu terberdayakan lagi. Di bidang kesehatan, DD sejak 2015 sudah terlibat di program stunting. Program percepatan solusi stunting masih terus berjalan di 26 titik di kabupaten/kota dengan sekitar 155 kader terlatih sebagai pendamping di level bawah, yang basisnya penguatan keluarga.

Tujuan utama APDC melibatkan dan memberdayakan potensi serta kompetensi kaum perempuan, karena saya yakin jika kaum perempuan sehat maka keluarga dan bangsa akan kuat. (ph, 17-11-2020).

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  8. Data from nationally representative samples of adults revealed that a sizeable percentage (9.68%) of adults have ever used psilocybin. Significant differences in lifetime psilocybin use were found between sex, age, race ethnicity, sexual orientation, and prior lifetime drug use. Lifetime users of psilocybin used prior lifetime drugs, were men, and identified as bisexual, with users of marijuana nearly 23 times more likely to have ever used psilocybin. We believe our findings can inform policy initiatives and prevention efforts. “A license cannot be issued — any location in Vancouver offering these products for sale is subject to enforcement by the City, which may include orders, fines and or prosecution,” said Sarah Hicks, the city’s chief licence inspector in a statement. The city had already taken decriminalization steps when it comes to personal drug possession, having a policy to not arrest or prosecute in those situations. The new resolution aims to protect those who cultivate and share psychedelics for “religious, spiritual, healing or personal growth practices.” https://codyncqe108753.bligblogging.com/17723078/buy-marijuana-vaporizer-canada While there can be good experiences when using cannabis, it can also: Brief interventions generally aim to reduce the intensity of drug use or prevent its escalation to problem use. These interventions are time-limited, and targeting and delivery methods vary considerably. Part of the attraction of this approach is that it may be used in different settings, for example, by general practitioners, counsellors, youth workers or police officers, as well as in treatment centres. This type of intervention mainly incorporates elements of motivational interviewing. Recent reviews found that, while they have some effects on alcohol use, they do not reduce cannabis use and further studies are required. Today, some people use cannabis in their spiritual practice. Rastafarians and some Hindus and Sikhs use cannabis in religious ceremonies. Other people use it in ways they consider spiritual, such as for reflection, contemplation or personal growth. The relaxing effects of cannabis help some people gain a different perspective when trying to understand difficult life situations.1 Some believe that cannabis, as a plant, has something to teach them.14

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  10. Colorado voters will decide on a ballot measure to legalize psilocybin mushrooms and other natural … psychedelic drugs in the November general election. Oregon on Wednesday became the first state to legalize the active ingredient in so-called magic mushrooms on an election night that saw more states ease restrictions on recreational drugs across the country. Before their microdose, the volunteers took three standard psychological tests, two related to creative problem-solving and one an assessment of fluid intelligence. The scientists ran chemical analyses of the mushroom samples to determine how much psilocybin they contained. Since a trip dose is about 3 grams of dried ’shrooms, a microdose is around 0.33 grams. Participants averaged 0.37 grams of the dried preparation, which can be taken with food or packed into gelcaps for easy swallowing. https://damienvpgu764219.dbblog.net/44263737/canada-psilocybin-mushroom Psilocybe mushrooms, known more commonly as magic mushrooms, are largely popular with people who take psychedelic drugs recreationally. Mushroom species in the Psilocybe family are potent in hallucinogenic components psilocybin and psilocin, which affect people after it’s been ingested. However, mushroom experts warn that going looking for a good trip could lead to deadly consequences. Dr. Robin Carhart-Harris, head of the Centre for Psychedelic Research at Imperial College London, said that the drug plays an important role in affecting brain circuits associated with depression. With 11.3% of Canadians meeting the criteria for depression at least once in their lives (Government of Canada, 2016), and over one-fifth of cases being treatment-resistant, there exists a great unmet need (Rizvi et al., 2014).

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  21. Conclusion: technically, cannabis seeds are legal in all of these 180 member countries. In theory, it’s perfectly legal to buy cannabis seeds as long as they are not germinated, and the public prosecutor can’t prove that you intend to grow cannabis. Many countries therefore don’t see cannabis seeds as illegal, but also not as legal. The seed itself is often allowed, but the germination of the seed isn’t always. A lot of ambiguity. That is far from ideal, since there are very few places that sell seeds legally and their selection is extremely limited. Most Canadian growers end up buying seeds online from a seed bank in another country. But one of the best seed banks is actually headquartered in Vancouver: Crop King Seeds. That’s who we recommend for Canadians. Yes technically illegal to buy or import from unlicensed sellers. But really who cares. People have been buying and mailing cannabis seeds across Canada for years before legalization even. I’ve bought seeds from the US and UK lately and they made it across the border no problem. Really it would be a massive waste of time to go after a small home grower for buying a few seeds online so I cannot imagine seed purchases are being scrutinized. I wouldn’t worry about it.
    Everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo – we believe in thinking differently. Our service is wonderfully designed, simple to use, and user-friendly. We just happen to be the best online cannabis dispensary in Canada. We pride ourselves on being part of the movement that focuses on destigmatizing cannabis and rebuilding our relationship with this plant one customer at a time in Kitchener, Ontario. Everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo – we believe in thinking differently. Our service is wonderfully designed, simple to use, and user-friendly. We just happen to be the best online cannabis dispensary in Canada. We charge a flat fee of $5 for delivery. For every order over $199, get the world’s best Cannabis products delivered straight to your doorstep for FREE! There isn’t a better time to shop online.

  22. The OCS provides safe, responsible access to recreational cannabis for adults 19 and older. We are an online retailer and the only wholesaler of legal recreational cannabis in Ontario. Cannabis products can be purchased at a number of privately-owned Authorized Cannabis Stores across the province. To find an Authorized Cannabis Store near you, click here. Just because marijuana will be legal, however, doesn’t mean that there will be licensed retailers available to sell it in every province and territory. On April 13, 2017, the federal government tabled the Cannabis Act (Bill C-45) and An Act to Amend the Criminal Code (Bill C-46). The proposed Cannabis Act will create a strict legal framework for controlling the production, distribution, sale and possession of cannabis. As proposed, Bill C-46 creates new offences for impaired driving (impaired by cannabis) and strengthens the Criminal Code with regards to impaired driving for alcohol, cannabis and other drugs. The federal government plans to have the two acts come into force in October 2018.
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  30. This does not mean the end of cryptocurrencies, though the market for such private networked money channels will probably be limited. Certainly, more limited than the initial crypto enthusiasts imagined. Stablecoins will probably survive, confirmed by regulation less onerous than central banks, but restricted to their being simply deposit-taking institutions, not able to create credit as do commercial banks. “The intermediary in decentralized finance may not be something that you can regulate via behavioral incentives,” Berrigan said in an interview published by the commission Sept. 30. “It is a huge challenge and it will probably require some reflection – not just on the procedures for how we regulate, but on the essence of the regulations.”
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