Diskusi Nikah Muda, Pemateri: 1 Karena Cinta 2 IQRA

KATACARA, MAKASSAR– Pembicaraan nikah muda pada malam minggu, 27 Maret 2021 di kegiatan Talkshow Kepenulisan dan Launching Buku ‘Karunia & Cinta’ oleh Penerbit MIB Indonesia sangat menarik sehingga banyak peserta yang ingin bertanya kepada penulisnya, Eka Ekfatihah.

“Di Bone, kota terpencil menurut saya, yang hampir semuanya nikah muda, saya ingin menunjukkan bahwa Orang Bone juga bisa dan dapat meraih cita-citanya seperti anak kota pada umumnya,” ucap pemilik akun instagram @ekaekfatihah, Penulis Karunia & Cinta.

Walau Warkop DG. Sija sudah waktunya tutup karena jam menunjukkan pukul 22.00 WITA kegiatan ini terus berlangsung karena selain suasana warkop yang sangat mendukung, juga pembahasan yang sangat menarik ditambah antusias peserta offline sekitar 20an maupun peserta online di live instagram @mib_bookcorner terus melempar pertanyaan.

Ratu Balqis, Pegiat Literasi Makassar yang diundang sebagai moderator kali ini.

Ratu sangat lincah membuat pertanyaan dan mengelola pernyataan dengan baik sehingga menambah keseruan kegiatan ini.

Giliran Talkshow Kepenulisan Novel yang dibawakan oleh Tetta Sally, Penulis Novel ‘Perempuan Dilarang Bahagia’.

“Tips menulis novel yakni perbanyaklah patah hati. Tulisan yang paling indah adalah tulisan yang lahir dari patah hati. Patah hati dalam hal ini bukan hanya kepada seseorang yang kita cintai, bisa juga patah hati kepada teman, pemerintah, lingkungan, keluarga, bahkan kepada diri sendiri.” Kata Tetta.

Ainun Mubin Misbah, salah satu anggota Pecandu Aksara yang menjadi Finalis Duta Baca Sulawesi Selatan bertanya, mengapa Tetta Sally memilih berpindah dari penulis nonfiksi ke fiksi.

“Dulu saya penulis nonfiksi saat kuliah, lalu saat bergabung di FLP dan Pecandu Aksara saya memilih hijrah ke penulisan fiksi. Alasannya cukup sederhana, karena dengan menulis fiksi (novel atau cerpen) saya merasa menjadi Tuhan.” Ungkap Tetta.

Ratu Balqis selanjutnya berfokus pada Aurora Rahmah sebagai Pimpinan Redaksi MIB Indonesia.

“Kenapa hingga saat ini masih mau bergelut di dunia penerbitan & editor apalagi masa pandemi? Di mana diketahui secara umum penghasilan yang didapatkan sangat minim.” Tanya Fachri Djaman, Founder MIB & GengTV yang dilayangkan untuk Aurora.

Ada tiga alasan mengapa Aurora tetap bertahan di dunia penerbitan.

“Ada tiga alasan, 1 karena cinta, 2 IQRA, dalam Alquran kita dianjurkan membaca, ‘bagaimana orang membaca kalau tidak ada fasilitator pembuat buku?’ 3 karena hobi yang dibayar, saya suka membaca, dan saat saya mengedit, jelas saya membaca, membaca yg dibayar, tidak lepas pula, pekerjaan saya bukan cuman satu, ada beberapa usaha, kerja juga dengan skill yang lain, untuk menyeimbangi omset di Penerbitan dan kebutuhan hidup.”jawab Rahmah, sebagai editor sekaligus Pimpinan Redaksi Penerbit MIB Indonesia.

Foto bersama tak terelakkan lagi jika sudah berkumpul satu sama lain sebagai rutinitas wajib setelah kegiatan berakhir.

CJ: Suci Muslimah Namri (Anggota Pecandu Aksara)

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  17. The biggest difference? Price. While you can expect to pay between $30-$80 for a great luxury mascara, our most affordable drugstore mascara pick is just $5. The basic ingredients don’t differ much, but many luxury brands offer formulations enhanced with richer color pigments, curl enhancers, and even lash growth serums. L’Oréal Paris Lash Voluminous Paradise is the kind of mascara that I would never have found on my own, because I don’t spend a ton of time (or any time) looking for mascara (or any makeup) at the drugstore. And if you’re going for a steal with promise, you want Maybelline New York Great Lash, or so I’ve been told. But this mascara truly deserves the same fanfare. The packaging is really sweet and delicate — a long, straight, simple tube in matte rose gold. Hello, vanity-topper. A pretty tube does not a great mascara make, of course, but this really did surprise me.
    If you’re looking for a precise application and an intense look, the makeup maven suggests trying a liquid liner like this vegan one that she says is her go-to. “Liquid liners are best because of the fine tip,” she said. This product’s tear-proof formula and wide, not-too-pointy point will put any waterline at ease and probably win over the whole upper third of your face in the process. If you’re always short on time and have a lot of other things to line — your upper lashline, your lower lashline, your brows — this Kajal and its built-in smudger can get you an entire eye look in one go. Gel eyeliner is perfect for beginners who struggle to create wings. It comes in a little container and has a creamier and thick consistency. All you need is a small, thin angled brush for liner application to your lids to create different effects on your eyes. Gel liners don’t smudge and are long-lasting.

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    As 2010 and 2012 showed, pre-season is far from reliable when it comes to predicting how the team will play in their PL opener. That is that. A very poor game ends goalless and it's a result that helps neither side. Liverpool had flashes of dangerous moments, but were disappointing in the end. Joao Felix was sharp and they did of course have a couple of goals ruled out for offside, but otherwise big chances were rare – their opener was Chelsea’s only opportunity worth more than 0.14 expected goals. More Sports. More Leagues. The Score is Daniel Storey’s weekly verdict on all 20 Premier League teams’ performances. Sign up here to receive the free newsletter every Monday morning The Saudi-owned team drew at relegation-threatened Bournemouth 1-1, a week after drawing West Ham 1-1 at home. They’ve now had five draws in their last six league games.

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  34. DraftKings Casino isn’t legal in New York, so you can’t bet on it right now. The state is taking things slow and steady when it comes to online casino legislation. A few recent bills stalled, gaining little traction. Still, online casinos in New York are a question of “when,” not “if.” That “when” may just be a year or two away. However, all signs point to legal online casinos in New York in the future. If legislation makes headway this year or next year, 2024 could be New York’s year. Quite a bit of research and in-house preparation went into this stand-alone version of DraftKings online casino. The company has had these capabilities since 2018 through New Jersey sports betting apps. This latest move is designed to expand the scope of its own casino app moving forward.As part of the new casino app, players will also have access to games from third-party content providers. The shortlist includes popular gaming options from:
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    Note: New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Plus 100 Free Spins. 20 spins will be credited daily from the day of the deposit and only if the deposit has been wagered. Min deposit: 20 € $. Max bet: 5 € $. The following games are excluded from the bonus promotion offer: See website for list of online slots. LevelUp Casino’s SoftSwiss-designed website is a great fit in the mobile casino arena. We praised their desktop site above for its clean lines and elegant minimalist design philosophy. These qualities are ported successfully to the mobile version. Playing LevelUp Casino’s online casino games on a mobile device is just as exciting as playing them on a desktop browser. Optimizing this online casino to work on a laptop, smartphone, and tablet allowed players to enjoy playing games anywhere and anytime. No matter what device you are using, you will experience lag-free, seamless gameplay.

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