Dompet Dhuafa-Bersama Yayasan Senyum Bahagia Bersama Indonesia Bangun Rumah Tahfidz

KATACARA, MANADO– Minggu, (28/2/21) kemarin, Dompet Dhuafa Sulawesi Utara bekerjasama dengan Yayasan Senyum Bahagia Bersama Indonesia melaksanakan acara peletakan batu pertama di lahan pembangunan gedung Rumah Tahfidz Shohibul Qur’an (RTSQ) Manado yang bertempat di kawasan masjid Hijratussalam Kelurahan Lapangan, Kecamatan Mapanget, Kota Manado. Acara ini dibuka secara resmi oleh H. Amir Liputo S.H selaku ketua LPTQ Kota Manado dan di hadiri oleh beberapa tokoh masyarakat dari berbagai lembaga dan pemerintah setempat diantaranya Bapak H. Abid Takalamingan selaku ketua BAZNAS Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, Bapak Imam Muhlisin mewakili Mitra kebaikan YBM PLN Suluttenggo, Bapak Dr. Mardan Umar mewakili Forum Komunikasi TPQ (FKTPQ) Manado, Ibu Trince Amik selaku Lurah Mapanget, Pengurus BTM Hijratussalam dan beberapa tamu undangan serta perwakilan orang tua santri RTSQ Manado.

Mengingat acara ini terbatas karena masih dalam kondisi pandemi, selain tamu undangan yang hadir secara langsung juga diselenggarakan secara virtual dan dihadiri oleh Dompet Dhuafa Pusat serta tamu undangan lainnya.

Beberapa pekan sebelumnya, RTSQ Manado mendapatkan bantuan dari Dompet Dhuafa United State of America (USA) sebesar $7392 atau dalam rupiah Rp. 89.000.000 untuk pembangunan Rumah Tahfizh.

Silva Ellong, selaku Pimpinan Cabang Dompet Dhuafa Sulawesi Utara mengatakan, “Kami ucapkan banyak terima kasih dari berbagai pihak yang telah membantu dalam bentuk donasi maupun dalam bentuk do’a. Harapannya semoga pembangunan ini menjadi amal jariyah untuk semua donatur dan orang-orang baik yang terlibat di dalamnya”.

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  22. quora Three of a Kind is a poker hand that consists of three cards of the same rank and two unrelated cards. It is ranked below a Straight and above Two Pair in the standard ranking of poker hands.For example, a hand that contains three Queens and two other unrelated cards, such as a 3 and a 7, is a Three of a Kind. The rank of a Three of a Kind is determined by the rank of the three cards of the same rank, and if two or more players have Three of a Kind, the winner is determined by the highest three-of-a-kind.Three of a Kind is considered to be a relatively strong hand in poker, but it can be easily beaten by higher-ranking hands such as a Full House, Four of a Kind, Straight, Flush, Straight Flush, and Royal Flush. If you need a guide, in Bridge where suits are ranked, highest to lowest is in reverse alphabetical order; Spades, Hearts, Diamonds and Clubs.
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    Once a player has looked at his hand he can choose to either fold or raise. If the player folds, they lose all bets they’ve made, including the side bet. If the player raises, they must make a raise bet that’s twice the size of the initial ante bet. In Caribbean Stud Poker the object of the game is to make a better five-card poker hand than the dealer. Based on the hand a player begins with they may choose to fold or raise, giving the player some control over how much money is at risk. In Caribbean Stud Poker the object of the game is to make a better five-card poker hand than the dealer. Based on the hand a player begins with they may choose to fold or raise, giving the player some control over how much money is at risk. It is a game that is played like a five card stud poker game, but on a table that resembles a blackjack table. The game makes use of a standard 52 card deck and the players have to beat the dealer, not the other players. In order to win, the dealer must first qualify, so players can win even with low ranking hands if the dealer doesn’t have a qualifying opening hand.

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