Diguyur Hujan, Mentan Tetap Tinjau Food Estate

KATACARA, SUMBA TENGAH-Menteri Pertanian Syahrul Yasin Limpo melakukan kunjungan di Desa Makatakeri Kecamatan Katikutana Kabupaten Sumba Tengah, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Jumat (8/1).

Dibawah guyuran hujan, Mentan SYL didampingi Bupati Sumba Tengah, Paulus S. K. Limu, beserta jajaran pejabat eselon satu Kementerian Pertanian meninjau salah satu dari lima zona kawasan food estate di Sumba Tengah sekaligus menyerahkan bantuan berupa 10 Combine Harvester yang merupakan bagian dari total bantuan yang dialokasikan Kementan untuk Sumba Tengah.

Di hadapan petani dan masyarakat yang hadir, Ia menyampaikan kebahagiannya melihat tempat yang bagus, indah dengan hamparan padi seperti di Desa Makatakeri.

“Lebih bahagia lagi saya bertemu dengan bapak-ibu semua yang telah menerima saya dan keluarga besar Kementan dengan hangat”, katanya.

Food Estate Sumba Tengah dibagi menjadi lima zona, yaitu, zona 1 di Desa Umbu Pabal Kecamatan Umbu Ratu Nggay Barat, Zona 2 di Desa Umbu Pabal Selatan Kecamatan Umbu Ratu Nggay Barat, zona 3 di Desa Dasa Elu Kecamatan Katikutana, zona 4 di Pusat Pemerintahan Makatul, salah satunya Desa Makatakeri dan zona 5 di Desa Tanamodu Kecamatan Katikutana Selatan.

Bupati Sumba Tengah, Paulus S. K. Limu dalam sambutannya atas nama masyarakat dan pemerintah daerah Sumba Tengah menyampaikan terima kasih dan rasa hormat kepada Mentan SYL dan rombongan yang hadir.

“Atas perhatian dan cinta Pak Menteri kepada Sumba Tengah, kami berikan gelar Umbu Syahrul Yasin Limpo. Ini merupakan
penghargaan dari kami Pak Menteri”, ungkap Bupati Paulus.

Sumber: Humas Kementerian Pertanian RI

Bupati Paulus juga menyampaikan bahwa total target lahan yang diolah food estate di Sumba Tengah seluas 5 ribu hektar, dimana 2 ribu hektar ditanami jagung sedangkan sisanya, 3 ribu hektar ditanami padi.

“Kami yakin, 2 sampai 3 tahun, Pak Menteri akan mendampingi kita, dan Sumba Tengah bisa mandiri di tahun ke-3,” ungkapnya.

Food Estate menurut Mentan SYL adalah implementasi arahan Presiden Joko Widodo untuk menyediakan ketersediaan pangan bagi 273 juta penduduk Indonesia.

“Dengan segala upaya, kita bersama yakinkan bahwa Sumba Tengah dan NTT tidak main-main merubah kehidupan dan peradaban. Dan Saya datang menangkap keseriusan. Sumba Tengah jangan mau kalah dengan daerah yang lain, apalagi dengan sesama daerah di NTT,” pungkas SYL.**

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  29. But evidence of the potential benefits of cannabis remain murky, says Budney. He is unconvinced that data support the use of cannabis for any medical conditions except some forms of childhood epilepsy and muscle spasticity disorders. Sales pitches commonly heard at cannabis dispensaries promising that the drug will reduce stress, aid sleep and relieve pain are “complete mumbo jumbo”, he says. Health Canada publishes information for health care practitioners on its website. This includes the “Daily Amount Fact Sheet (Dosage),” which provides information regarding dosing of cannabis for medical purposes, and “Information for Health Care Professionals,” a comprehensive monograph on the pharmacology, potential therapeutic uses and risks of using cannabis for medical purposes. The cannabis industry has faced so many unexpected challenges in 2020. From enabling contact-free cannabis sales and facing the health and safety challenges of COVID-19 to falling hemp prices and long wait times for cultivation license approval. With cannabis stocks and businesses fluctuating as Canadian cannabis growers work internationally with countries like Colombia and Germany, starting to do more cannabis research, you may be wondering where the industry is really standing as a whole. Here is a glance at Canadian cannabis research and statistics for 2020.
    Blair Gibbs moved to Canada in 2017 to work as a cannabis consultant, but in August 2019 he took a job in the PM’s office. Both men are now at the very heart of the British government: in 2019 Kruger was parachuted into the safe Tory seat of Devizes to stand as MP in the last election and is also an adviser to Johnson. We’ve partnered with outstanding cannabis producers from across Canada to deliver curated medical cannabis products to our patients. Blair Gibbs moved to Canada in 2017 to work as a cannabis consultant, but in August 2019 he took a job in the PM’s office. Both men are now at the very heart of the British government: in 2019 Kruger was parachuted into the safe Tory seat of Devizes to stand as MP in the last election and is also an adviser to Johnson.

  30. The recommended changes were also applauded by Peter Squire of the Winnipeg Regional Real Estate Board, who told the committee residents shouldn’t have to live near such operations and said the city was “setting an example” for other municipalities. People who are living in apartments should check their lease agreement or property manager to determine if any policies ban use of medical cannabis in individual rental units. This is especially important for people who live in federally assisted housing. After alcohol, cannabis is the second most commonly used substance in Canada. There is a lot of information available on the Internet about the health impacts and potential benefits of cannabis use. Some of this information is accurate and some is inaccurate. The research section summarizes the current scientific evidence on the health impacts of cannabis, the potential medical benefits of cannabis and peoples’ perceptions of cannabis.
    At the end of March, SNDL completed its cash-and-stock acquisition of Alcanna. The deal significantly strengthened its retail platform, adding 171 liquor stores in Alberta and British Columbia and 78 cannabis stores in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario. Combined with its Spiritleaf cannabis banner, the company has more than 180 locations across Canada. While the Reddit traders are seemingly bullish on the names, Wall Street has a different tune. Of the 14 analysts who cover Tilray, only two have a buy rating on the stock, according to FactSet. Of the 20 analysts who cover Canopy Growth, only two recommend buying the name and of the 11 analysts who cover Aphria, seven have a buy rating. As the marijuana industry continues to expand and gain regulatory wins at the state and federal levels, weed stocks might create opportunities for sizable returns. So, what opportunities are being floated on the Reddit weedstocks forum? Keep in mind that most of the investing advice on Reddit doesn’t come from certified financial advisers.

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    A return to Los Blancos? It would be a sensational comeback but as we have seen at Manchester United, moving back to a former club is not always the fairy tale it appears. Given Real Madrid’s position of strength as European and league champions, he would be rejoining the biggest and best club in the world – but it seems unlikely. Madrid were happy to let him go as a 33-year-old. It’s unlikely they will go back when he is 37.  The Daily Mail have reported that United are reluctant to part ways with Maguire this month, with Erik ten Hag keen to retain his defensive squad depth. However, Luke Shaw has slotted seamlessly into the centre of his backline over the past few weeks, which could prompt the Red Devils to re-evaluate their stance.

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